Alexey Demidov's Wife: Photo

Alexey Demidov's Wife: Photo
Alexey Demidov's Wife: Photo

Alexey Demidov does not like to talk about his family. He rarely adds a photo with his wife and daughter, but he frankly admits that he is very happy in marriage. Today, the actor continues to actively act in films and play in the theater, and also dreams of a second child.

Alexey Demidov's wife: photo
Alexey Demidov's wife: photo

Alexey Demidov is a talented and very secretive actor. He rarely gives interviews even on the topic of his creative career, and even prefers to remain silent about his personal life. Fans and journalists are constantly trying to find out at least something about Alexei's family, but he is sure: "the personal must be personal."

Caring Elena

Demidov dreamed of an acting career from an early age. Already in his school years, the young man attended theater circles, took part in numerous festive scenes for parents. Alexey really wanted to start doing what he loved seriously as soon as possible, so after the 9th grade he entered the theater school.

In the first years of training, the guy even thought that he had chosen the wrong place. Only in the third year did Demidov finally become convinced that he wanted to connect his whole life with acting. His friend Lena also helped him to understand himself. The actor never told exactly when he met his future wife. It is only known that in their student years, the couple had already begun a serious relationship. Demidov always said that he would not like to drag out his family and children. Therefore, he married early and became a dad.


Elena Brovkina was at first just a close friend of the future star. Young people spent their free time together, talked and walked a lot. Lena always surprised Alexei with her care. For example, when a young man was sick, it was she who regularly inquired about his health and prepared delicious pastries for him. Demidov could not help but appreciate the efforts of a pretty girl. Gradually, the friendship between the two young people grew into love. When Alexei realized that he had serious feelings for Elena, he did not hesitate for a long time with the proposal of a hand and heart.

Wedding and the birth of a daughter

Soon after the young people first confessed their love to each other, the wedding took place. The celebration turned out to be modest, because then Alexei did not yet have impressive acting fees at his disposal. He studied and moonlighted wherever he could.

At that time, Demidov had already entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. True, the actor failed to graduate from the university. Soon he took the documents from the academy and began to actively participate in various creative projects. Alexei needed to support his family, because his daughter Sophia was born.


By the way, nothing is known about the profession of Demidov's wife. At the moment, the girl devotes herself to housework and raising her daughter. Alexey explained in one of the interviews that he was completely satisfied with the spouse-keeper of the hearth. The actor dreams of a big family and hopes that in the near future Elena will give him a second child.

During his life, the artist managed to live in different cities. For example, he was born in Nizhny Novgorod and for some time tried to conquer Petersburg. For life with his wife and daughter, Alexei chose Moscow. The young man believes that it is this city that gives great opportunities to all creative people. In the capital, he became famous and continues to improve his acting skills.


Elena also likes Moscow, but she does not hide that she is ready to follow her beloved spouse to any city if his profession requires it. The girl does not get bored, waiting for her husband from the set. She has chosen several hobbies that take her free time. For example, this is cooking and the creation of handmade women's accessories. So far, Elena does not plan to turn her hobbies into business, she simply realizes her creative potential with their help. You can see the girl's products on her pages on social networks.

Quiet happiness

Alexey himself actively conducts his microblogging. On Instagram, the young man tells some interesting facts about his personal life. For example, about travel. This is one of the main common hobbies of the family. The spouses have already visited Georgia, England, Turkey. Unfortunately, a family can rarely go to explore the world together because of Demidov's busy work schedule.


The actor's wife notes that he turned out to be not only a caring husband, but also a wonderful dad. Today the young man tries to spend every free minute next to Sofia. For example, on weekends, Alexei often picks up the baby and goes with her to the pool or water park. The actor himself is very fond of swimming and hopes to instill a love for this sport and his daughter.

Less often, Demidov rests alone. On such days, the artist visits the gym, where he is engaged in acrobatics. Exercise helps him to keep himself in good shape and distract himself from work. A couple of years ago, snowboarding was added to acrobatics. The wife is not against her husband's hobbies and supports him in all endeavors. Elena understands that with such hard work, the spouse definitely needs an "outlet" outside the stage.
