How To Make A Bubble Generator

How To Make A Bubble Generator
How To Make A Bubble Generator

If you are bored with the standard family celebrations, try to diversify it by blowing bubbles. By the way, you can create a bubble generator yourself.

Soap Bubble Generator
Soap Bubble Generator

Bubble liquid

The secret of blowing original and whimsical soap bubbles depends not only on your skill, but also on the components of the liquid used. In one of the most popular liquid recipes, glycerin is the main ingredient. To prepare a liquid for blowing bubbles, add 50 ml of glycerin and about 300 ml of water to 100 ml of shampoo. This solution is also great for bubble generating devices.

Ways to create a bubble generator

To create a real show of soap bubbles, you can use an ordinary can filled with air. Also, a spray with varnish or deodorant is suitable for these purposes. Another method is to purchase aquarium sprayers. You will need to add hoses and an oxygen cylinder to them, connect them together and put sprayers on the end of the tubes. Then the nebulizers should be immersed in a container of bubble liquid. After opening the cylinder valve, a real colorful show of soap bubbles will begin.

If you are very serious about creating a generator, try to find a suitcase from old fans, players and other electronics. Also for creativity you will need: thick cardboard, a knife, scissors, a ruler, corrugated cardboard, a motor from any player, scotch tape, a fan, rubber bands for money, compasses and a pencil, nuts and six bottles with soap bubbles.

Generator assembly

To get started, take a rubber belt for money and use them to connect the motor from the player to the roller of the three-stage gearbox. Such a mechanism will transfer rotation to a special receiving roller. Fill the gap between the discs with a little glue. Place six plastic bubble bottle loops evenly on the disc. Now, during the rotation of the disc with the roller, these loops will be immersed in the container with the solution. The hinges will blow large bubbles as they pass the fan.

The fan must be powered by 12 volts and the motor must be 5 volts. For stationary power, a computer power supply is required. Paper clips can be used as the axles of the reducer rollers. And the mechanism is better made of cardboard. To prevent abrasion of paper parts, wrap tape around them. Such a device will be quite enough to arrange a real foam show of soap bubbles.
