A writer is a person who creates unique literary works for public use. If you feel that you can talk about any life events with inspiration, try writing a book. Trying your hand at prose or poetry, you need to decide on goals and adhere to some rules.

How to start writing
The first step on the road to success is always organizing your workplace and planning your working hours. Choose a comfortable chair, dim your desk lamp, etc. Set aside a couple of hours on your schedule for typing.
Someone prefers to write by hand, someone immediately types the text on the computer. In order for the computer version of the future book not to disappear in the event of program failures, it is recommended to work with a remote medium (flash drive) and save each change.
Choose which audience you will rely on when creating a book or collection of poems: maybe it will be children's literature, poetry about love, or modern prose for women. It will not be superfluous to create a plan for the work: to determine the main idea, to think over the characters of the main characters, dialogues, etc.
It should be remembered that the work must be unique, literate and understandable to read. Among the Internet resources, you can find many services for checking spelling, punctuation and uniqueness of the finished text.
A writer must have an inquisitive mind. Get inspiration from your favorite books, walks, and more. Notice the images and characters of people on buses, in the office, in the clinic. Follow the latest news from different areas of life, record interesting dreams.
Don't force yourself to create when you don't feel like it. Take short breaks and re-read your sketches regularly - you may want to redo a few things.
How to establish yourself as a writer
Try submitting your works to a literary competition. For example, the contest of the Russian independent annual literary prize "Debut" at [email protected]. Works are accepted in any volume in word format (separately attached file) from June 10 to September 20 each year. Do not forget to include your details: full name, age and a summary of the manuscript.
A professional jury will sum up the results by the end of the year. If you are noticed as an author, you will be paid financial rewards and recommended to popular publishers.
As a start, you can use your own website or blog on the Internet, where you yourself will advertise your books and communicate with readers. In parallel, it is necessary to independently send manuscripts to all kinds of publishers (having previously studied the requirements for their design). When sending manuscripts by e-mail, mark them for reading so that later you can prove that your work came to the right place.
As you write, be prepared for criticism, even the harshest. Also, a writer who has signed a contract with a publishing house is obliged to submit the manuscripts on time, so decisively think about everything: do you need this load? Self-confidence and self-discipline should be your guides on the path to success. He who seeks glory will find it.