Ornamental potted trees have gained incredible popularity lately. As a rule, this self-made creation is called the "European tree" or "the tree of happiness." Designers and craftsmen know it as a topiary.

Topiary is a completely unfamiliar word for Russian speech. And this is understandable. After all, its roots are Latin: "topiary" - shaped pruning of trees and shrubs. During the reign of the Renaissance, this garden art was at the height of its glory, until it was replaced in the 18th century by landscape design.
However, ornamental gardens with many intricately trimmed figures have an even longer history. In ancient Rome, the decorative area set aside specifically for this art was called topia, and a special person who clipped plants was the master (topiarius) of "topos".
Today, the topiary has migrated from the garden space to the interior of living quarters. Moreover, he acquired a decorative and practical orientation, since it is made not from living plants, but from improvised natural and artificial material. The technique is simple. As a rule, a base (flower pot, basket or tin can) is taken, in which the trunk is fixed. The role of the trunk is played by a gnarled branch of a tree or just a metal tube.
All the beauty is in the crown, which is usually in the form of a ball or cone, made of paper or foam and decorated with dried leaves, coffee beans, cones, acorns, artificial flowers and whatever your heart desires. Such a decorative tree does not need to be watered, it fits perfectly into any interior. And if the dust has settled over time, then it can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or blown off with a hairdryer.
It is not at all necessary that the topiary should be placed only in a flower pot. It can be made larger and placed on the floor. A miniature copy of a tree is made out in any theme, if you need to prepare a gift for a birthday or for the New Year. Of course, it has nothing to do with that topiary of Ancient Rome. This is just a handcrafted decorative item.