Rural landscape is a popular genre of fine art. The village was painted by many artists from ancient times to the present day. Nothing prevents a novice painter from trying too. But, of course, before you paint the landscape with paints, you need to make a pencil sketch.

Fields and forests
Lay the sheet horizontally. You need to convey a large space, because the village is surrounded by fields and meadows. Draw a horizontal line roughly in the middle of the sheet. However, the horizon line may be slightly higher or slightly lower, depending on what kind of buildings you are going to draw. For example, there may be a forest behind the village. Draw a curved line above the horizon. The easiest way is to draw it in zigzags of different heights, because the tops of the trees have different heights.
The tops of the trees are sharp, the tops of the rest of the trees are more rounded, so it is better to draw them, alternating zigzag and wavy segments.
A road goes through the village to the forest. It is wide near the viewer, but narrows with distance, and at the horizon it can even converge to one point. The road, as a rule, has two tracks, in the middle there is a strip of grass. The village street can be uneven - sometimes a hill, sometimes a depression. If you draw a hill, the width of the road doesn't change much as you get closer to its top. At the edge of the depression, the lines break off, and if the opposite slope is visible, the ruts on it are much closer to each other.
The road does not have to be straight, you can draw it in an arc. But in any case, the distant part of it will be narrower than the one that is closer.
Houses and fences
Draw the outlines of the houses on both sides of the road. They are drawn quite simply: a square or a horizontal rectangle, and on top there is a triangular roof. It is better to arrange houses with facades towards the viewer. Mark the position of the window in the middle of the front wall. Mark where the shutters and trims will end. The edges of the platbands can be straight or have a more complex and bizarre configuration. Draw the logs with long horizontal lines. Several houses can stand at an angle - then the sides of their roofs look like diamonds. Bushes usually grow around the village houses. At this stage, these are just white spots bounded by a freeform outline.
Grass, trees, well and inhabitants
Each village house necessarily has several trees, but not such as in the neighboring forest. Draw the trunk - it's just two not very straight, parallel lines. The upper part of the trunk is covered with a crown, which is an irregular rounded spot. Draw the grass with zigzag strokes of different lengths. By the way, strokes can have different directions in different parts of the picture. You can draw some specific features of the village, such as a well. It can be just a rectangle with cross-stripes. But you can make a well with a triangular roof, and with a crane - the lower stand is a narrow strip, the upper part, also a strip, is located to the lower at an obtuse angle.