How To Make A Christmas Tree Out Of Pasta

How To Make A Christmas Tree Out Of Pasta
How To Make A Christmas Tree Out Of Pasta

Table of contents:


A handmade pasta tree will become a wonderful decoration not only for the New Year's table, but also transform the interior in any corner of the apartment, creating a unique festive atmosphere in the room. In addition, the manufacture of such a New Year's beauty does not require much time and large financial costs.

How to make a Christmas tree out of pasta
How to make a Christmas tree out of pasta

It is necessary

  • - thick cardboard or disposable plastic glass;
  • - oilcloth;
  • - glue "Moment";
  • - spray paint in silver, green and gold;
  • - pasta in the form of tubes;
  • - pasta of various shapes for decorating a Christmas tree (bows, shells, wheels, stars, etc.).


Step 1

First you need to decide on the color of the future Christmas tree. If you opted for the traditional version - a green Christmas tree, then you will need to additionally make Christmas tree decorations that differ in color (so that the tree looks elegant). If you do not plan to decorate the Christmas tree, then it is better to paint the product in a silver or golden hue.

Step 2

After you have decided on the color scheme of your craft, you can proceed directly to coloring the pasta. To do this, put on protective gloves, spread an oilcloth on the work surface, spread the pasta and evenly spray paint from an aerosol can on their surface.

Step 3

The next step is making the base for the Christmas tree. It can be made of thick cardboard, giving it a conical shape, or you can use a disposable plastic wine glass for these purposes (the container itself is used directly for work, and the leg at the glass is cut off).

Step 4

We also paint the blank for the Christmas tree in the selected color using spray paint.

Step 5

Next, you need to glue pasta to the resulting base. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to do this with ordinary PVA glue, so you should use increased strength glue ("Moment" or glue gun).

Step 6

The final stage is the decor of the Christmas tree. We glue pasta of various types and shapes (bows, stars, shells, etc.), previously painted in a different color, to the branches of a homemade tree. You can also give the Christmas tree a festive and elegant look by decorating it with beads, rhinestones and sequins.
