Hot cups leave ugly circles on the table surface. To avoid this problem, make your own cup coasters. The most practical material for such crafts is felt, since the work will be done quickly and the material is inexpensive.

To create an original stand for a mug in the shape of an apple, felt of different colors (white, brown, green, as well as red or yellow), threads.
Cut out all the felt. If the material is too thin, the main part (green in the photo) can be done in two layers. Please note that the size of the white part should be about 0.5-1 cm smaller than the green part. But there are no strict requirements for the size and shape of a leaf and a twig - if you wish, sew two leaves instead of one, make the twig shorter or longer.

Gather the stand from the center - attach the bones to the white piece with a couple of stitches, then sew it to the large green part of the apple. After that, attach a twig and a leaf to the back of the stand. The edge of the stand can be trimmed with thread in color, but this is not necessary, since the felt does not sprinkle.
A felt stand in the shape of an apple, from which a small piece has been bitten off, will look funny. To make such a stand, just after you sew the white part to the colored one, cut out a small semicircle on the side, imitating the teeth marks.
such a felt stand will be a wonderful souvenir for relatives or friends. If you make such an apple of a very small size, then you can please those around you with funny keychains for keys. I suspect that such a souvenir will especially delight lovers of Apple technology.