Boxers know how important it is to be able to properly wrap a boxing bandage around their hands. When properly wound, they protect hands from injury, especially when training without gloves, absorb moisture and prevent the inside of gloves from getting wet.

Step 1
The correct bandage should have a length of at least 3.80 m. Choose a bandage made from natural cotton from reputable manufacturers: Dan-Sport, Top Hill, Green Hill, Everlast. Many boxers prefer so-called Mexican bandages made from elastic gauze. They have a convenient fixation system using special hooks and loops.
Step 2
Pay attention to the option of bandaging the brush with a bandage with a loop. Place your thumb in the loop of the bandage. Now stretch the bandage along the back of your hand, away from your thumb. Wrap around your wrist 2-3 times. It should fit comfortably around the wrapped area without wrinkling.
Step 3
Now run the elastic band along the back of the hand from thumb to pinky and wrap the hand a few times - this will completely fix the joints of the fingers. Bandage your fingers from the little fingers: slide the bandage between the pinky and ring finger.
Step 4
Now wrap the bandage once around your wrist, move from the back to your thumb and wrap the bandage around it again. Make a figure 8 and run the elastic band around the back of your hand between your thumb and forefinger. Wrap the rest of the bandage around your wrist and secure with Velcro. The tape should hold your wrist firmly, but not interfere with your hand movements.
Step 5
Winding a bandage without a loop differs in only a few points. Place the end of the bandage between your index finger and thumb. Now slide the bandage over the first joints of the fingers from the back of the hand, passing to the palm between the thumb and forefinger.
Step 6
Wrap the elastic band around your wrist several times and guide it down the back to your wrist. Rotate around your wrist, grab your thumb and rotate around it once.
Step 7
Now slide the bandage through your upper arm again to your wrist. Make 2-3 turns around the thumb and move to the first knuckles of the fingers. Tear the free end of the bandage in two and tie with a loop.