Special Difficulties In Growing Begonias

Special Difficulties In Growing Begonias
Special Difficulties In Growing Begonias

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Begonia has about two thousand species. Among them are both orange-sized plants and species that can replace wallpaper for an entire wall. But, like any other plant, begonia suffers from improper care.

Special difficulties in growing begonias
Special difficulties in growing begonias


Step 1

On the leaves there are dark spots turning into a gray bloom. This disease is called gray rot. Separate the plant from the rest of the begonias, remove the affected leaves, and spray with the fungicide. The reason for the appearance of gray rot is the darkening of the room and the increased humidity of the air.

Step 2

Yellowing leaves. You need to determine what is preventing your plant from developing normally: lack of water, excess water, or lack of light. Change your begonia care in the right direction.

Step 3

Leaves are falling. There are other symptoms to consider here. If the stems become thin with a small number of leaves, the begonias do not have enough light; if the leaves dry out before falling, the temperature in the room is high; if the leaves become lethargic and rot, watering is too abundant.

Step 4

The tips of the leaves are brown. The reason for this ailment is too low air humidity. Place the pot in moist peat and spray the air around the begonias.

Step 5

The leaves have turned pale and rotted. Begonia is getting too much moisture. This plant requires abundant watering, but in no case should the soil be constantly moistened.

Step 6

White bloom on the leaves. Your begonia is suffering from powdery mildew. Cut off diseased leaves and spray the flower with a non-specific fungicide. Ventilate the area and do not spray the plant.

Step 7

Falling buds. Spray the air around the begonias and make sure that the soil is not waterlogged.
