How To Put A Net Under Ice

How To Put A Net Under Ice
How To Put A Net Under Ice

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You can fish with nets both in open water and under the ice. Thinner tackle is used only for winter fishing. Installing networks in the cold season is laborious, but the result is worth it. To facilitate manual labor, anglers often use various designs to pull their nets under the ice.

How to put a net under ice
How to put a net under ice


Step 1

You need to know in advance in which places of the reservoir there is an even and unloaded bottom. Next, they are cut out with a chainsaw or a peshny lane is cut down. This is a rectangular elongated hole 40-80 cm wide. The second lane is made at a distance of the length of the net.

Step 2

If the ice thickness exceeds half a meter, then the edge of the hole, under which the net will stretch, is cut in the form of a cone and a smooth surface is given to it. Intermediate holes are drilled between the lanes every 2-3 m.

Step 3

Using the pole from the first hole, stretch the tied rope, helping to transfer it from hole to hole with a hook. The pole should be half a meter longer than the distance between them.

Step 4

Now they tie a rope to the top pick and run the net into the lane. At the same time, the second fisherman helps to push the fishing tackle from hole to hole. When the entire net is under the ice, it is fixed.

Step 5

To prevent the top pick from freezing to the underside of the ice, you can equip it with empty sealed plastic bottles or chunks of Styrofoam tied by short strings. They will float up and create a buffer between the net and the ice. And when the tackle is removed, the threads will simply break, leaving frozen bottles.

Step 6

Placing nets under the ice is facilitated by a natural current. In this case, the holes are made in its direction. But this method is not always catchy, since in winter the fish prefers quiet places.

Step 7

Nets installed under the ice can be left on all winter. However, the lanes can be covered with snow, so for the safety of other fishermen, noticeable poles are placed on them.
