Among the original amulets and talismans, the dream catcher stands out in a special way, it is traditionally considered an Indian, but was widely used among the peoples of Siberia. A small circle with a web inside, decorated with feathers and braid, helps to see only good dreams, but for this it is important to know the rules for choosing and using an amulet.

It is necessary
- - willow twig;
- - leather or cotton tape;
- - beads;
- - feathers.
Step 1
The dream catcher was invented by the tribes of the Indians of North America. It protects the sleeping person from evil spirits, drives away bad dreams and attracts good ones. Most often it is purchased or made for young children, as well as those who sleep poorly and restlessly at night. Parapsychologists are sure: a dream catcher helps to clear dreams of various mental debris, remove incoherent disturbing pictures and quickly move to a lucid dream.
Step 2
The dreamcatcher is a circle with a spider web woven inside. Sometimes it is decorated with beads, feathers, braid and other paraphernalia. The effectiveness of the talisman largely depends on the materials, the circle must be made of a willow twig, the web is woven from leather braid, cotton or other natural thread. In Indian talismans, eagle feathers were used for men, owl or duck feathers for women. The dream catcher must be hung over the person's bed with a long string.
Step 3
It is believed that the first dream catcher was invented by the women of the Ojibwe tribe. Their legend said: a long time ago, all the people of the tribe lived on Turtle Island and were cared for by the Spider-Grandmother Asabikashi. When the Indians settled throughout the continent, it became difficult for her to help everyone. Then the spider taught women to weave magic webs for children, helping to ward off evil from them. Initially, the catchers were intended only for children and did not last long, since the tension of the threads broke the dried vine. This symbolized the transience of childhood and youth.
Step 4
You can make a dream catcher yourself. In summer or spring, you need to pluck a willow twig and bend it into a ring, fix it with a harsh cotton thread or leather tape. Then tie the end of the thread with a knot, retreat 3-5 cm, tie another knot, there should be 8 connections with the hoop in total. In the second row of the web, the nodes will be in the center of the previous jumpers. A small round hole should remain in the center - good dreams will come through it.
Step 5
During weaving, it is important to adjust the spiritual level of the talisman. For a dream catcher to know how to filter information, you need to give him a starting point. Therefore, you need to clear your thoughts of negativity, tune in to pleasant memories and harmony, you can sing lullabies or say prayers.
Step 6
If everything was done correctly, the catcher will help you sleep peacefully and only have pleasant dreams. According to the legend of the Lakota tribe, good thoughts and dreams pass through the center of the web, while evil ones get entangled in it, and with the coming of the sun they dissipate. Another people - the Ojibwe - believed that it was good dreams that got stuck in the web and descended to a person, and the negative left through the hole. Perhaps the amulet acts due to a person's subconscious mood for good dreams, and the swinging pendant soothes the falling asleep. One way or another, this talisman has been tested for many centuries and has really helped many.