Fertilizers For Indoor Plants That You Can Make Yourself

Fertilizers For Indoor Plants That You Can Make Yourself
Fertilizers For Indoor Plants That You Can Make Yourself

Lovers of wildlife cannot do without flowers at home, they are especially pleasing to the eye in winter and cold seasons. But how can you help your pets? It is not so easy to grow by yourself, you also need feeding. After all, the soil is fertilized in the plots for fruits and vegetables, the same is here: without proper nutrition, the plants will not bloom luxuriantly, some do not grow at all without nutrients. Here are the most effective and affordable houseplant fertilizers you need to know how to use.

Fertilizers for indoor plants that you can make yourself
Fertilizers for indoor plants that you can make yourself

First of all, you need to know that plants require frequent feeding. All due to the fact that they have practically nowhere to get nutrients, except from the ground of their pot, water and sunlight. Mineral substances are supplied to the plant in a very limited amount. Even if you change the substrate, this does not guarantee long-term nutrition for the flower: the nutrients will last for a maximum of a couple of months. It is very important to feed the plant during flowering, as it begins to spend more of its energy. In a dormant state, indoor plants do not need fertilization. This period occurs at different times, usually during the winter.

How do you know if a plant needs help? Follow the growth of the flower, its stems and leaves, traces of the disease may appear: the stems are elongated, growth slows down, the leaves are drooping, pale, shrinking; the plant refuses to bloom, discards leaves on which spots appear. Noticing any of the signs, urgently proceed to rescue. But you should not bring it to the critical moment, it is better to study what fertilizers are suitable for indoor plants in your home.

Sugar feeding of plants. The most common source of nutrients for flowers is sugar. Sugar also consists of glucose, which helps flowers to grow, breathe, and consume nutrients from water. But for this, you need to additionally provide a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide, without it sugar will only become a source of mold and bacteria. In half a liter of water, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of sugar and water it no more than 1 time a month. The recipe is simple, but what a useful fertilizer for indoor plants!

Top dressing of plants with peel. After eating fruits and getting vitamins, do not rush to throw out their skins, give vitamins and flowers. To do this, grind the skins, pour boiling water in a 1 liter jar, insist, strain. Bring the amount of top dressing to 1 liter. Plants can be watered with this tincture once a week.

Feeding plants with ash. Ash will help saturate the soil with potassium, phosphorus, iron, and disinfect it. Ash can be added directly to the soil, or you can make a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants: dilute 1 tablespoon of ash in 1 liter of water.

Feeding plants with yeast. Yeast can help plants get B vitamins, phytohormones. Yeast contains a hormone that regulates cell division - cytokinin. Yeast can replace any mineral fertilizer, it will be both cheaper and healthier for the plant.

Feeding plants with onion husks. You can't do without onions, or rather, without their husks. From it, you can prepare a solution that will help restore the microclimate in the soil. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of husk, pour boiling water over it and boil for about 10 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain, and you can water. This solution cannot be stored for a long time, so every time you need to prepare a new one.

Feeding plants with bird droppings. As humus is used in the garden, so at home you can fertilize houseplants with it. Large plants can be fertilized with humus in poultry droppings, but small ones should not be, since the contained ammonia can ruin them. But even for large plants, the mixture should be weakly concentrated: dilute only 10 grams in 3 liters of water. For the rest, leaf humus is suitable.

You can even use aquarium water as a fertilizer for indoor plants. With the vital activity of fish, the water is saturated with substances useful for flowers. It is best to water the plants with this water at the very beginning of the spring-summer season to help them grow. And then, from the middle of summer, it is better not to use such fertilizer.

There are a lot of fertilizer options for indoor plants, there are plenty to choose from. Choose the one that suits you and your colors.
