In summer and early autumn, many people go to the forest for the gifts of nature. Harvested berries and mushrooms bring moral satisfaction, supported by tasty and healthy food. But not everyone knows what items you should definitely have with you, going to usefully spend time in nature.

It is necessary
Compass, mobile phone, matches, snack, remedy for bloodsuckers, whistle, bright clothes, knife, supply of drinking water
Step 1
For orientation in the forest, it is convenient to use the sun. But in cloudy and rainy weather, it is not so easy to determine its location. The compass will always help out. It is advisable to have the device itself, not a mobile application on a smartphone.

Step 2
A mobile phone with an extra charge when going into the forest is a must. With its help, you can contact relatives, provide information about yourself, so that they do not worry. If the mushroom picker gets lost, the EMERCOM employees will be able to determine the approximate location of a person by geolocation and quickly carry out searches.

Step 3
In swampy areas, you can fall into the bog and get wet. If you go far to the house, then you should dry your clothes. To do this, make a fire from dry branches, take off wet items of clothing one by one and dry them by the flame of the fire. Therefore, every mushroom picker must have matches with him without fail. In addition, making a fire can be useful if the mushroom picker gets lost and is looking for him. In this case, raw branches and leaves should be added to the fire so that the smoke can be seen from afar.

Step 4
In order to maintain the strength of the body while wandering through the forest, you need to refresh yourself. Chocolate is an ideal way to get extra calories. One tile per person is sufficient.

Step 5
In summer, hordes of mosquitoes, horseflies, flies and midges await a person in the forest. To protect against their bites, you should have a remedy for blood-sucking insects with you. Use it in accordance with the instructions for the preparation.

Step 6
If two or more people go on a mushroom hike, it is highly desirable that everyone has a whistle. Calling with a voice can disrupt the vocal cords; with a whistle, everything is much easier. The most powerful sound is the tune of a football fan.

Step 7
When going to the forest in a group, it is better to dress in bright clothes of yellow, red, pink, blue colors. They are clearly visible against a green background. It will not be difficult to see fellow travelers in such clothes against the background of foliage.

Step 8
A knife is a mandatory attribute of a mushroom picker. It is convenient to cut the gifts of the forest with a knife, leaving the mycelium intact. Or it may be useful in other situations, for example, for laying a road through a windbreak.

Step 9
In hot weather or just out of fatigue, you will definitely want to drink. When going into the forest, you need to take a bottle of clean cold water with you, because it is extremely dangerous to quench your thirst from forest reservoirs.