Valery Zolotukhin is a Soviet and Russian actor, laureate of the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. His bright temperament was reflected not only in the images in the cinema, but also in his personal life: Valery was repeatedly married and became a father three times.

Biography and work of the artist
Valery Zolotukhin was born in 1941 in the village of Bystry Istok, Altai Territory. This remote area was practically not affected by the war, and the childhood of the future actor was relatively calm. Despite his simple origin, Valery, already in his school years, firmly decided to become an artist and after receiving a certificate went straight to Moscow. There he managed to enter the legendary GITIS at the operetta department.

After graduating from the institute, Valery Zolotukhin began working at the Taganka Theater. His career went up rather quickly thanks to his brilliant performance in such productions as "A Hero of Our Time", "The Misanthrope", "A Feast in Time of Plague" and others. In 1965, the aspiring artist first appeared in a movie, playing a Red Army soldier in the film "Package". It was followed by quite convincing "Intervention" and "Master of the Taiga". And in 1971 the actor performed one of his most recognizable roles in the film "Bumbarash". It was after her that all-Union fame came to Valery.
In subsequent years, Zolotukhin continued to actively appear in television and film projects. The audience remembered well the films "Preliminary Investigation", "The Wizards" and "The Man with the Accordion". Valery also remained devoted to the theatrical stage. In the early 2000s, he became the head of the Altai Youth Theater, and soon moved to a similar position at the Taganka Theater. In the same period, Valery Zolotukhin's film career received a second wind. He played significant roles in the science fiction films Night Watch, Day Watch and Black Lightning, and also starred in dozens of TV series of various genres.
Personal life
In his student years, Valery Zolotukhin liked fellow student Nina Shatskaya, who was reputed to be one of the most beautiful girls of the educational institution. He tried to court her, and Nina unexpectedly reciprocated the young man. The couple began dating, and soon the young people got married.

Nina Shatskaya, like her husband, began acting in films almost immediately after graduation. And yet she did not manage to achieve the same high success in creativity. The most famous paintings with her participation are "Welcome, or No Unauthorized Entry", "A Visit to the Minotaur" and "Children of Bitch". Shatskaya also played for a long time on the stage of the Taganka Theater. At the present time she is still in good health and works in the theater "School of the modern play".
In the marriage of Valery Zolotukhin and Nina Shatskaya, a son was born, who was named Denis. Later he chose the path of a clergyman. Over time, the relationship between the spouses deteriorated greatly. The reason for this was Valery's frequent betrayals. After another of them, the wife filed for divorce and left, taking her son with her. Soon she married actor and director Leonid Filatov.

Valery Zolotukhin also did not remain alone for long. He again found family happiness, this time with a film studio employee named Tamara. They met on the set of the movie "The Only One" and immediately began dating. After marriage, a son, Sergei, was born. His fate was tragic. For some time Sergey played as a drummer in the group "Dead Dolphins", and in 2007 he committed suicide for unknown reasons.
The further fate of Valery Zolotukhin
The actor tried for a very long time to remain a decent family man, but the passion for the fair sex again prevailed over him. In the early 2000s, Valery Zolotukhin met actress Irina Lindt, and a passionate romance began between them. The passion turned out to be 33 years younger than him. Zolotukhin was torn between his family and his new passion for a long time, but he did not dare to end his legal marriage.

Valery did not part with Irina Lindt either. In 2004, she gave birth to his son Ivan. The actor continued to live in both families for the rest of his days. In 2012, Zolotukhin's health began to deteriorate rapidly. Since childhood, he fought with various ailments, including bone tuberculosis, but never lost his love for life and faith in himself. But this time the doctors' diagnosis was inconsolable: glioblastoma.
The artist went through several hospitalizations, and as a result was placed in a drug-induced coma. A progressive brain tumor of Valery Zolotukhin gave many complications throughout the body, and on March 30, 2013, he died. Until the very end, the idol of millions remained devoted to his native land and spent most of the money he earned on charity. Valery Sergeevich was also buried in his native village, next to the church built at his expense. And in 2019, the actor's wife was gone. Tamara Zolotukhina rested next to her tragically departed son.