Often, young girls, and even adult women, dream about their pregnancy. Some dreamers are inclined to believe that such dreams are prophetic: some women are insanely happy with such a prospect, while others are seriously scared. All this makes both those and others turn to the help of all kinds of dream books.

Why dream of expecting a child? Miller's dream book
The most famous dream book in the world interprets this dream as follows. A woman who is not a virgin finds out in a dream that she is pregnant, to a misunderstanding on the part of her husband. In addition, her future children will be born ugly and unattractive. A virgin to expect a child in a dream - to shame and various illnesses in reality. If the dreamer who saw this dream is really pregnant, this will serve as a favorable prognosis for a quick and successful birth.
Modern dream book: in anticipation of the unborn child
If a poor girl dreamed of expecting a child, in the near future she will have a chance to get rich by increasing her social status. For successful and successful women in life, such dreams promise ruin, collapse in business, etc. Sometimes men also see similar dreams. If a married man dreamed that he was expecting a child from his mistress - in reality, a grandiose scandal is possible, initiated by his wife. As they say, sleep in hand.
If unmarried men dream of how their second half is expecting children from them, in the near future the dreamers will meet the girl of their dreams, who will become their legal wife. For older women, to see themselves pregnant in a dream means imminent death. If the dreamer very often sees such dreams, but at the same time in reality she is not pregnant and does not even think about it, this is not a very good sign. The fact is that disease, hunger, and possibly poverty are coming.
Why dream that she is pregnant? Freud's dream book
The famous founder of the psychoanalysis method, Sigmund Freud, in his dream book claims that waiting for a future child in a dream is a transparent perspective for the future. According to his dream book, women who see such dreams are already subconsciously preparing themselves for motherhood. Hence the prognosis: to be pregnant in a dream is to become a mother in reality. You can't argue with logic, of course. In addition, Freud also interprets dreams in which men become pregnant. On the one hand, this speaks of a man's moral readiness to become a father, and on the other hand, such a dream promises trouble in relations with women.
Why dream of expecting a child according to Loff's dream book
Loff sees pregnancy in a dream as a symbol of growing up and untapped creativity. This dream for young girls means the end of growing up and puberty. In other words, he talks about the dreamer's final and conscious entry into adulthood. For an adult woman, this dream promises trouble and financial problems in the future. If men dream that they are expecting a child, this speaks of their doubts about their own masculinity.