Arthur Smolyaninov's Wife: Photo

Arthur Smolyaninov's Wife: Photo
Arthur Smolyaninov's Wife: Photo

Actor Arthur Smolyaninov is today married to a colleague - a girl from the world of cinema. Daria Melnikova became his chosen one. Together, the couple are already raising two sons.

Arthur Smolyaninov's wife: photo
Arthur Smolyaninov's wife: photo

In 2013, actor Arthur Smolyaninov married a colleague, Daria Melnikova. The girl is known to the audience primarily for the TV series "Daddy's Daughters". The spouses still live together and are raising two sons.

Early novels

Arthur Smolyaninov has always been a very secretive actor. The young man tried in every possible way to hide his novels from prying eyes, but he rarely succeeded. Every time the journalists managed to find out the details about the next darling of the star.

A handsome man with a sonorous voice was rarely alone. Especially after it became popular throughout the country. Arthur most often began relationships with girls from his acting circle. Smolyaninov himself explained this choice by the fact that he simply works a lot and he has no time to get acquainted somewhere else. Usually, novels originated right on the set. True, most of them turned out to be very short. Although Arthur himself at the same time stated that he dreams of a family and children.

The first beloved woman of Smolyaninov was Katya Direktorenko. The girl was a classmate of the actor. It was with Ekaterina that Arthur was able to live together for three years. All this time, the couple often discussed their possible wedding, but did not reach the registry office. At the same time, the young man repeatedly made his beloved an offer of a hand and a heart, but each time Directornko asked to wait again.


The main reason for the separation of the actors was the girl's excessive passion for work. Katya refused to give birth to children and explained that she was unlikely to agree to go on maternity leave in the coming years. Arthur eventually realized that he was definitely not on the way with a career woman. The lovers parted.

After breaking up with Ekaterina Smolyaninov, he began a relationship with Alexandra Shevchenko. The former passion of Dmitry Dibrov also somehow mentioned in her interview that she would soon become Arthur's wife. But the couple's relationship ended up only lasting a few months. A similar situation happened with Smolyaninov and his colleague Maria Shalaeva.

Once in an interview, Arthur made a statement that young career women constantly come across on his life path. The young man admitted that he needed a completely different woman next to him - a caring wife, a potential mother of many children, a wonderful housewife. In search of such, he went after another parting.

Meeting with Dasha

The series of novels of the favorite of women could continue further, but the young man met Daria Melnikova. The future spouses met on the set. At first, they did not pay any attention to each other, then they began to communicate on friendly terms. Arthur quickly noticed that next to Dasha he felt light and free. The girl knew how to instantly cheer him up and cheer him up even in the most difficult moments.


When Smolyaninov realized that Melnikova was also ready for a serious relationship and the birth of children, he almost immediately proposed to her. The couple had a modest but beautiful wedding. For example, they appeared in the registry office in jeans and floral wreaths.

Interestingly, before the wedding, the couple's fans could not even imagine that their idols had been together for a long time. Everything became clear when Dasha posted a wedding photo on social networks and marked her husband on it. A flurry of warm congratulations immediately fell upon the guys.

Long-awaited heirs

Two years after the painting in the registry office, Daria gave birth to her husband a son, whom Arthur himself had dreamed of for so long. The boy was named after his star father. After that, the paparazzi often began to catch a couple for a walk with little Artur Arturovich. But the lovers carefully hid their son's face from photographers and journalists. The spouses are trying to do this to this day.


At the end of 2018, Arthur and Daria became parents for the second time. The boy was born again. Until now, the star family has not said what name the second child received. There is also not a single picture of the baby on the web.


From time to time, information appears in the media about the divorce of Smolyaninov and Melnikova. Journalists either note that the family was destroyed by Arthur's addiction to alcohol, then they assure that the spouses decided to take a break from each other due to severe fatigue with young children. Despite all the rumors, the couple are still together.
