What To Do For A Florist In October

What To Do For A Florist In October
What To Do For A Florist In October

October is one of the most beautiful autumn months. But flower growers still have a lot of urgent and important things to do. Many plants need to be planted, dug up, prepared for wintering. There is time to outline a work plan for the next season, to organize new flower beds.

What to do for a florist in October
What to do for a florist in October

At the beginning of the month, it's time to dig up the dahlia tubers. After the first frost, the stems are immediately seized by frost, and they acquire a "deplorable" appearance. But there is no need to rush. If the weather gives good warm days, then it is better to give extra time to the tubers to ripen in the ground. Carefully dug tubers are freed from the ground, dried and placed for winter storage. You can wrap them in old newspapers and store them in a place where the temperature in winter is about 4-5 ° C.

The beginning of October is the time to dig up gladioli. If the skin of the bulbs has turned brown and the babies are easily separated, then the gladioli are ripe. Cut off the leaves, leaving the trunks about 4-7 cm, dry thoroughly in the house at room temperature (20-22 ° C). Gladioli survive well until spring if the bulbs are kept dry and at a temperature of about 10 ° C.

Roses. With the onset of cold autumn weather, they begin to outflow food from the aerial part to the roots and root collar. And this is important for plants, as it significantly increases winter hardiness. If the weather is favorable in October, do not rush to prune the shoots. At the end of the month, with the onset of stable cold weather, the roses are cut, spud and mulched.

Sawdust should not be used as mulch. Better for plants will be wood chips, large shavings, chopped coniferous bark.

There is no need to prune the miniature and polyanthus group of roses. Only the inflorescences are removed from them. Shoots of climbing roses are lowered to the ground, laid and pressed with “hairpins”.

In the second half of October, the stalks of chrysanthemums are cut, they are slightly dug in and mulch. For sheltering plants, spruce branches will be the most reliable; you can cover with dry leaves. It is better not to use birch or aspen leaves, as well as sawdust.

Korean chrysanthemums may not hibernate. They are not hardy. Therefore, for a greater guarantee, dig up your favorite bushes and transplant them into pots, transfer them to the basement. And in the spring, plant in a flower garden, or use as mother plants for reproduction.

At the end of the month, perennial flowers are sown on the prepared beds, which require cold temperatures for germination. These are gypsophila, catchment, anemone, lupins, swimsuits, lumbago, etc.

Cutting off perennials, put the entire "mass", fallen leaves, plant residues in a compost heap. Sprinkle with lime on top and cover with old plastic wrap. Good rotted compost is the best organic fertilizer and mulch for plants.

Mulch cut perennial flowers and plants. Mulch prevents the growth of weeds and maintains the correct water-air regime of the soil, ensuring a safe overwintering of all plants.
