Why You Can't Look In The Mirror When You Cry

Why You Can't Look In The Mirror When You Cry
Why You Can't Look In The Mirror When You Cry

Many people, following the example of their ancestors, believe in various kinds of omens and beliefs. The mystical side of life has always attracted the curious. Superstitions relate to numbers, animals and various objects. Mirrors deserve special attention.

pochemu nel'zja smotret 'v zerkalo, kogda plachesh'
pochemu nel'zja smotret 'v zerkalo, kogda plachesh'

Appearing in the 4th century, mirrors excite the imagination of impressionable people. One of the questions that worries them to this day is "Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry?" What happens if you don't?

Rationale for fears

In the past, mirrors have been associated with the other world. This item was used by fortune-tellers and sorcerers. In the mirrors, they determined the future, connected with their help with the spirits and the dead. According to people practicing magic, this item is energetically strong. After all, beyond its limits there is a looking glass. This is a mysterious and mysterious place, endowed with special power.

Therefore, it is assumed that it is unsafe for a crying person to look at their reflection. This behavior can cause adverse changes in the fate of a person. If everything went well up to this point. In life, everything worked out and there were no particular reasons for concern. What happens after the crying person looks into his reflection? The mirror will capture the reflected image. In the future, a person will often cry because of trouble. He kind of programs his behavior and destiny.

According to other sources, the reason why you can't look in the mirror when you cry is the ability to cry for happiness. Let's say a person is foreseen good luck in business or love. Looking in the mirror at himself crying, he will lose such happiness. Things will go awry. A loved one will change or leave for another.

What to do about it?

First, not everyone believes in these signs. It is noticed that such people are not influenced by any kind of superstition. They just don't pay attention to it. Secondly, everyone decides his own fate, it depends on your actions. To be lucky in life, you need to act, and not wait for someone to come and decide everything. Thirdly, advice for those who really believe in such signs.

Don't look in the mirror when you cry. From constantly wiping your eyes, they will turn red. It is best to do this after you have finished crying. Then look in the mirror. It will no longer be dangerous.

There is no scientific justification for why you can't look in the mirror when you cry. Therefore, everyone chooses what to do.
