Sometimes people are afraid to plant flowers at home, because once they tried to do it, but the plants died from something.

The most common causes of plant death are as follows:
- Lack of lighting. If you absolutely want to keep plants in a dark room, then take out the pots once a month for 2 weeks on a light windowsill.
- Excess sun can also harm, therefore, during periods of its greatest activity (spring and summer), cover the plants on the window with gauze.
- Yellowing and falling leaves, the appearance of green bloom on the inner walls of the pots indicate waterlogging of the soil. Watering must be temporarily stopped.
- Shriveled and brown leaves indicate insufficient moisture in the soil or air. Increase watering and spray the plants with a spray bottle. You can also pour fine expanded clay or other natural porous material into the pallet. When watering, it will absorb excess moisture and humidify the air around the plant.
- Flowers do not like drafts. Therefore, when opening the window, cover them with newspapers and make sure that the gaps between the window frames are well closed.
- If the plants develop slowly, look weakened, stunted, this is probably due to a lack of nutrients. Use special fertilizers and follow the instructions strictly. You can also try feeding the flowers with water left over from boiling potatoes (peeled or peeled - it doesn't matter, as long as they don't contain salt). After that, after a week or two, you will see young shoots on the plants.