Harmful Indoor Plants

Harmful Indoor Plants
Harmful Indoor Plants

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The cultivation of indoor plants brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also benefits, since they are able to humidify the air, and some of them even absorb harmful toxins. However, not every plant is harmless; poisonous flowers exist. So what kind of indoor plants are better not to grow in the house? This is what remains to be seen.

Harmful indoor plants
Harmful indoor plants


Step 1

The well-known ficus is a poisonous plant. It is considered harmful because of its juice, which causes skin inflammation in people, in addition, ficus juice irritates the respiratory tract, which can even lead to an asthma attack.

Step 2

A beautiful plant called obese adenium is also included in the list of poisonous. Unlike ficus, any part of this flower is absolutely poisonous. If an animal or a child accidentally tastes fat adenium, then severe poisoning cannot be avoided. Would you like to purchase a plant from the same family? Then know that every single kutrovye is harmful.

Step 3

Plants belonging to the aroid family, for example, dieffenbachia, are dangerous. It has been popular with flower growers for over 150 years. The juice contained in dieffenbachia, on contact with the skin, causes dermatitis. If it accidentally gets into the eyes, it can cause conjunctivitis; if in the mouth - irritation of the mucous membrane along with edema.

Step 4

A harmful houseplant called monstera belongs to the same family as dieffenbachia, that is, to aroids. The leaves of this plant contain toxins that can cause not only inflammation and burning in the mucous membranes, but also profuse salivation along with vomiting and severe intestinal upset.

Step 5

The hippeastrum plant itself is not harmful, but it is still considered poisonous due to the bulbs. Leaves and flowers are not dangerous, but it is not recommended to touch the bulbs. If you are going to transplant hippeastrum, then do it after wearing rubber gloves.
