Difficulties In Growing Saintpaulia

Difficulties In Growing Saintpaulia
Difficulties In Growing Saintpaulia

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Saintpaulia, or the Usambara violet, has earned the love of flower growers because it blooms at any time and, due to its small size, it may well settle on a narrow window sill. It is important to pay attention in time to the signals that the flower gives to its owner in order to make his existence comfortable and enjoy the beauty of Saintpaulia for many years.

Difficulties in growing Saintpaulia
Difficulties in growing Saintpaulia


Step 1

Light spots on the leaves. Too much direct sunlight. Move the plant to a shaded area.

Step 2

Brown spots on the leaves. Watering with too cold water. Use warm water.

Step 3

Leaves turn yellow. There are many reasons - dry air, improper watering, excessive nutrition. Correct the most likely exit error in your case.

Step 4

Pale green leaves with curled edges. The plant freezes. Remove Saintpaulia from the windowsill on frosty winter nights.

Step 5

Sluggish rotting leaves. Rot of the root collar occurs due to waterlogging. It is very difficult to save the plant, it is better to immediately separate the saintpaulia from its soil neighbors and destroy it.

Step 6

The plant does not bloom. Saintpaulia probably does not have enough light, but if it stands in a sufficiently lit place, then the reason is dry air and Saintpaulia needs to be sprayed. Also, the reason for the lack of flowers can be a rearrangement of the plant, after getting used to a new place, Saintpaulia will bloom.

Step 7

Mold on leaves and flowers. Saintpaulia is afflicted with gray mold. Stop spraying, remove affected leaves, spray Saintpaulia with a systemic fungicide and keep out of the sun until dry.