How To Make Soap Bubbles At Home

How To Make Soap Bubbles At Home
How To Make Soap Bubbles At Home

Blowing up soap bubbles is a fun and exciting activity that pleases not only children, but also many adults.

There are many recipes for making bubble soap solution, below are some of the simpler ones.

How to make soap bubbles at home
How to make soap bubbles at home

Before you start making a solution for soap bubbles, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations that will help you make a really high-quality solution.

1. Boiled or distilled water is best for preparing the solution.

2. The solution will be of better quality if the soap (shampoo, dishwashing liquid or other used base) contains a minimum amount of perfume additives.

3. Sugar and glycerin must be used exactly in the quantities given in the recipes, otherwise the solution will be of poor quality.

4. After preparation of the solution, it must be kept in a cool place (refrigerator) for at least 12 hours.

Soap Bubbles Recipe # 1

You will need:

- a tablespoon of laundry soap (with ordinary toilet soap, the solution turns out to be many times worse);

- 1/3 cup of cool boiled water;

- four tablespoons of glycerin.

Laundry soap must be grated, dissolve a tablespoon of the resulting shavings in water, then strain the solution through a thick cloth or gauze. Add glycerin to the resulting mixture and let the solution brew for at least 12 hours.

Soap Bubbles Recipe # 2

You will need:

- 300 ml of hot water (70-80 degrees);

- 25-30 grams of powder detergent;

- 150 ml of glycerin;

- 10-12 drops of ammonia.

All the above ingredients must be mixed and left at room temperature for several days (3-5), then the mixture is filtered through cheesecloth and allowed to stand in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours.

Soap Bubbles Recipe # 3

You will need:

- 50 ml of water;

- 50 ml shower gel;

- 1/2 tsp. Sahara;

- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin.

Mix the ingredients, let stand at room temperature for at least an hour, then refrigerate for 15 hours.
