When Wild Strawberries Ripen

When Wild Strawberries Ripen
When Wild Strawberries Ripen

Forest strawberries are much more useful than garden strawberries, thanks to them you can significantly improve your health in case of colds, raise immunity, and cope with many skin problems.

When wild strawberries ripen
When wild strawberries ripen

Forest strawberries usually ripen a little later than garden strawberries, and this is because lawns with berries in the forest are among the trees, they receive less sunlight. However, on open forest edges, which are in direct sunlight for most of the day, strawberries turn red even earlier than in the garden.

As for the exact dates for the ripening of strawberries, there are none, much depends on the weather conditions of a particular region. Usually, in central Russia, strawberries ripen in mid-late June, and in some cases, when the weather is not particularly warm, and there are few sunny days, the filling occurs even later - in early-mid July.

Strawberries are good because they can be harvested for a fairly long time - from three to four weeks. For example, having visited the edge of the forest and collecting all the berries on it, the next day you can also go to the same edge and collect no less strawberries. The fact is that the ripening of berries occurs gradually - today strawberries ripen on some bushes, and tomorrow - on others.

From the above, we can conclude that, depending on weather conditions, you can start picking strawberries from mid-June to the last days of July. Just take into account that the hotter the weather is, the faster the berry "leaves", so there is no need to hesitate in picking it.
