How To Grow Strawberries From Seeds

How To Grow Strawberries From Seeds
How To Grow Strawberries From Seeds

Table of contents:


Every gardener knows that strawberries, which propagate vegetatively, degenerate over time. Berries lose their aroma and taste, they become smaller and smaller. In addition, if the planting material - whiskers or separated bushes - is infected, then healthy plants cannot be expected either. But from the seeds you get absolutely healthy bushes with large and sweet fruits.

Strawberry is a favorite berry of many
Strawberry is a favorite berry of many

It is necessary

  • Seeds
  • Peat, organic
  • Seed growing container
  • Seedling pots
  • Mulch


Step 1

Place the seeds in an airtight bag in the freezer one month before planting. In this way, you simulate the natural process of freezing seeds in the soil during the winter months and increase seed germination.

Step 2

Prepare the tray and soil. The tray should be at least 3 centimeters high, since the soil - a mixture of ¾ peat and ¼ organic matter - must be at least 2 centimeters thick in it.

Step 3

Mix seeds with crystalline sand and scatter over the surface of the soil. Sprinkle with dry peat. Sprinkle with a spray bottle and cover with either a special transparent lid or clear plastic wrap.

Step 4

Place the container in a warm place out of direct sunlight. Spray the soil periodically with a spray bottle. The lid or film must be fogged up at all times.

Step 5

When the seeds germinate, remove the cover or film. Depending on the variety of strawberries, germination can take from one to six weeks.

Step 6

After the seedlings have a third true leaf, transplant the bushes into large containers filled in equal parts with soil and sand. When the bushes are 8 centimeters wide, transplant them into the garden bed.

Step 7

Prepare a bed for each bush by mixing compost with soil to a depth of 6 centimeters. Dig holes for the bushes in depth equal to the length of the pot in which the plant is located, and in width - twice as wide.

Step 8

Dip the roots of the bush into the hole, sprinkle with soil and tamp it gently with your hands. Water. Sprinkle with mulch, decorative wood chips. In the first year, strawberries are not fertilized.
