Signing new people is the foundation of building a network marketing business. An experienced networker not only knows the rules for recruiting new candidates well, he also knows the exceptions to these rules.

Step 1
If you find yourself in an old and unpromising network company, then you cannot avoid the temptation to look for new candidates to attract them to the business among people who have no idea about MLM. An experienced leader will not waste time with newcomers, as he is interested in quickly building a business structure.
Step 2
Why shouldn't you sign new people? First of all, because a preliminary acquaintance with the industry of an inexperienced beginner in the network business takes a lot of time, effort and money. A new person who decides to become a distributor often needs long-term care from their media sponsor. Worst of all, if you yourself have to follow him and call for action.
Step 3
Instead of looking for and nurturing leaders, you will have to listen to the newcomer's complaints about the poor quality of the product, the unfairness of the compensation plan, and the fact that you do not pay due attention to it every day. In addition, the newly made distributor will not bring you any profit at first, only losses and disappointments.
Step 4
In a few weeks or months, such a frustrated newcomer will drop out of business to become yet another rumor about the harmfulness of the network industry. However, he may stay in MLM, starting to wander from company to company in search of a better life and ways to get rich quick. Of course, you don't need such candidates.
Step 5
It is much more tempting for an experienced networker to work with established leaders of a multi-tier industry who, for one reason or another, are not satisfied with the state of affairs in their current company. These people realize all the advantages of doing this type of business, they know how to work in it, they are able to sign the "tough nut to crack". They do not need additional external motivation, they clearly set goals in business and confidently move towards their implementation.
Step 6
These are the people who are able to elevate your business to the proper height. Speech, mind you, is not a banal enticement of foreign leaders under your own authority. The people you should subscribe to your structure are already old enough to understand that each person is free to choose when, where and with whom to cooperate. After all, it is not considered shameful for a highly paid football player to end relations with one club and move to another, which offered more interesting conditions.
Step 7
To build a sustainable distribution network, you need to focus your efforts on finding and signing just a few of these leaders. If you show them the advantages of your company over the competition, including the high quality of the product and its relevance, if your marketing plan fairly rewards the leaders for their efforts to build the business, then the rest is a matter of technology.
Step 8
The only (and sometimes insurmountable) obstacle to implementing the described strategy of signing people into your business is that true leaders can only follow someone of the same caliber. Before headlong embarking on the hunt for "network giants", honestly answer yourself to the question: "What am I?" If you are not satisfied with the answer, the leader signing strategy will prove to be an impossible adventure.