Why Do Dead People Dream Of Being Alive

Why Do Dead People Dream Of Being Alive
Why Do Dead People Dream Of Being Alive

Often the dead visit the living in their dreams. Such dreams are frightening and fascinating at the same time. After waking up, a person tries to remember all the details of this dream and find an interpretation for him.

Why do the dead dream alive
Why do the dead dream alive

A change in weather is the most common interpretation of sleep, where the dead dream alive. Especially if these are unfamiliar people who did not play a noticeable role in the dreamer's life. For example, a deceased neighbor or former colleague dreamed alive. Also, such dreams can portend changes in the dreamer's life, but the changes are insignificant.

The dead man chases the sleeper in his sleep

Memories haunt. A person constantly mentally returns to the past. Nostalgia and melancholy do not allow to live in peace.

The deceased comes to life before our eyes

Such a dream foreshadows pleasant events: a visit of long-awaited guests, the return of a thing that seemed lost forever.

Talk to the dead in a dream

Conversations with the dead can provide an answer to many questions that torment the dreamer in real life. The message can often be taken literally. Sometimes deceased relatives express some claims, their dissatisfaction. For example, when a suffering mother dreamed of her deceased son, he strictly ordered not to mourn for him anymore: "Mom, I am already standing waist-deep in water from your tears."

Sometimes in a dream, the dead are silent. The dreamer himself tries to start a conversation, but they do not make contact with him. Such a dream suggests that a deceased person who came in a dream simply has nothing to say. He wishes the dreamer all the best and came to remind him of himself.

Sitting at the same table with the dead. Such a dream can mean extremely unpleasant events: health problems or even an early death. Especially if the dreamer's birthday is celebrated in the company of deceased people.

The deceased is angry or scolds the sleeping person - this is a dream that warns that the time has come to reconsider your behavior. There is a possibility of making a fatal mistake. The key to understanding this dream is the topic of the conversation and the words that the deceased said.

The deceased person laughs in his sleep. This means that the dreamer is on the right track. In all endeavors, he will be accompanied by luck and luck.

Joint walks or trips with the dead symbolize the past, which will soon remind of itself.

If you dream of a photograph of the deceased, then the meaning of such a dream will be prompted by the appearance of the person in the picture. If the person is kind and calm, then you should not expect trouble. If the expression on his face is evil, then the sleeping person's personal life may soon be tested. Perhaps parting with a loved one, various disagreements and resentments in the family.


Why else do dead people dream alive?

You can find the key to such dreams if you carefully listen to your inner feelings and compare them with the current situation. For example, often deceased people in this way remind the living of themselves. Through sleep they ask to be remembered.

Often the dead come in a dream to warn the dreamer about the upcoming changes in his destiny.

Sometimes the dead come in a dream, because they think and remember a lot about them. Very often, deceased relatives dream of being alive, but they do not say anything. It's just the subconscious that realizes the desire to see a loved one again. In reality, this is impossible, so dead people come alive in a dream.