How To Write A Name In Chinese

How To Write A Name In Chinese
How To Write A Name In Chinese

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Nowadays, Chinese characters are becoming quite popular in the world. Many people are wondering: how can you write your name in Chinese? Russian names are written according to their pronunciation. In other words, hieroglyphs are selected that are similar in sound, and therefore they do not carry a semantic load.

How to write a name in Chinese
How to write a name in Chinese


Step 1

Since the Chinese language has a certain syllable structure, most Russian syllables in the Chinese language cannot be picked up, and therefore they sound strange when translated. The European name in the Chinese version may have relatively little in common with its original example. In addition, toning is added and, if you are not studying Chinese, you can pronounce your name correctly after a few workouts. Hieroglyphic writing is not only difficult to write, but also has several variants for each syllable. For example, your name is Anna, and the sound in the Chinese recording remains practically unchanged. But there are nine hieroglyphs for "An". In this case, you can choose one of them that best suits you in terms of value.

Step 2

You can use the dictionary and write out the hieroglyphs corresponding to each letter of your name. But all together these hieroglyphs will not make any sense. Try looking up your name in a dictionary of Chinese names ( There you will also see how your name is pronounced correctly and its spelling in the form of hieroglyphs

Step 3

There are also many programs that you can use to get your name in Chinese. These programs have a database compiled without the use of scripts dividing Russian names into syllables, but with the use of a number of stable combinations for the competent transfer of Russian names in Chinese spelling. For example, on the site ( you can find more than 100 Russian names, some of them are given both in full and in abbreviated form. Here you will also find the transcription - the correct reading of the name.
