Dreams of betrayal have always been considered a symbol of any imminent change. The prediction of these or those "traitors" dreams directly depend on the smallest details seen by the dreamer. Dream books will help to interpret these pictures.

Step 1
The most common dream about cheating on the part of a beloved girl is to catch her red-handed. Some interpreters, including Gustav Miller, argue that soon the dreamer or his loved ones will have to become a party to some kind of legal battle. At the same time, the role of the participant is not specified: it can be either a witness or a plaintiff, or even an accused. Often, dreams about how girls are cheating promise ordinary omissions and misunderstandings. Wangi's dream book says that a girl's betrayal in a dream promises problems in the professional field.
Step 2
According to Sigmund Freud, cheating on the part of his girlfriend or wife suggests that the dreamer constantly torments himself with doubts about this. It seems to him that in reality his beloved longs to go to the left. This interpretation has a psychological rather than a prophetic aspect. The dreamer needs to talk to his beloved and try to dot the "and". According to the family dream book, female infidelity, which cannot be proven in any way, speaks of some experiences on the part of the owner of a waking dream. Perhaps in real life someone is intriguing him, while skillfully disguising himself. If in a dream you see only the desire of your girlfriend to change with someone, but not the very fact of this, then this speaks of the strong will and healthy strength of the dreamer's spirit.
Step 3
The big dream book interprets treason on the part of the beautiful half of humanity this way. This is a reflection of the gullibility of the dreamer, which in reality someone easily misuses. This "someone", perhaps, is the other half. If husbands dream of how their wives are cheating on them with their best friends, then in reality this indicates the imminent cooling of feelings on the part of the husband. If you dreamed of how your beloved girl seduces a very young guy, then in reality scandals and a break in relations are coming for a completely stupid reason. According to Hasse's dream book, seeing a beloved betray in a dream is a big obstacle and difficulty in life. It is possible that all this will benefit the dreamer: he will become stronger, find loyal friends, etc.
Step 4
Psychologists say that cheating in a dream is an empty phrase. Psychologically, the factor plays an important role in life: people often dream of their fears. In other words, the person has not yet been born who would not be worried about potential betrayal on the part of his soul mate or would not suspect her of it. As the dog lovers say: the bitch does not want - the dog will not jump up. Such thoughts sometimes haunt some guys and husbands. At night, they are more likely to project onto their subconscious, turning into an unpleasant dream.