What Is The Dream Of A Lampshade

What Is The Dream Of A Lampshade
What Is The Dream Of A Lampshade

Table of contents:


Sometimes in our dreams we can see ordinary objects in extraordinary places. If you saw a lampshade in a dream, try to remember what it was and under what circumstances you dreamed.

What is the dream of a lampshade
What is the dream of a lampshade


Step 1

If a child dreamed of a lampshade, then soon it would be better for him to try to hide unexpected joy.

Step 2

In a dream, a lampshade, suspended directly above the sleeping person's head, dreams of something pleasant, but obtained with great difficulty.

Step 3

For a man, a dream with a lampshade can speak of an upcoming promotion. For a woman, alas, it means emotional vibrations.

Step 4

A paper lampshade most likely foreshadows impending gloom.

Step 5

Remember if there was a light from a lampshade:

- if yes, then higher powers have taken you under their wing;

- if not, then luck will turn away for a while.

If the light was too bright and literally hurt your eyes, be prepared for unexpected, imposed help.

Step 6

According to an erotic dream book, a new lampshade may indicate a new lover.

Step 7

Freud believed that the dream of a person putting a lampshade on a light bulb is evidence of an overly constrained intimate life.

Step 8

If you were born in the period from September to December, then a dream about a brightly colored lampshade usually speaks of a future trip or another expensive gift.

If you were born between January and April - cook a lot and colorfully lie.

If you were born in the period from May to August - to unexpected joy.

Step 9

Broken lampshades in a dream indicate eye disease.

Step 10

If the lampshade you see looks more like a large lamp hanging in the room or in the kitchen, then this is for peace, joy.
