Tom Hanks: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Tom Hanks: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Tom Hanks: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Tom Hanks is a popular actor, director, screenwriter and producer. There are two prestigious statuettes in his collection of film awards. The American artist received them for his masterful performance in such films as "Philadelphia" and "Forrest Gump".

Popular actor Tom Hanks
Popular actor Tom Hanks

The popular actor's real name is Thomas Jeffrey Hanks. He was born in a small village called Concorde. This event happened in July 1956. He was the third child in the family. In addition to him, the parents raised a girl and a boy. My father worked in a restaurant. He served as chief chief. The mother of a talented guy worked in the hospital.

Parents divorced when the guy was only five years old. The father began to raise the children. It was with him that Tom spent his childhood. The family often moved from one city to another. Children constantly had to change schools, meet new people and say goodbye to old friends.

First steps to success

He began performing on stage in his school years. He constantly played in creative productions. The performances on stage interested the talented guy so much that he decided to get an education at the University of California, where he learned the basics of acting. His creative career began with the theater stage. However, he, without hesitation, went to conquer the cinema, when he was offered this by acquaintances from the acting troupe.

Actor Tom Hanks
Actor Tom Hanks

The talented guy got his first roles in such film projects as Taxi, Family Ties, Happy Days. However, they did not bring popularity to the novice actor.

Success in cinematography

Thanks to his debut work, Tom Hanks managed to interest director Ron Howard. He invited the aspiring artist to take the lead role in his project. After some time, Tom appeared in the movie "Splash", which was highly appreciated by the audience. After that, Tom began to be offered one role after another. However, most of them failed.

Much in the biography of the famous actor has changed after the release of the movie "Bolshoi". Tom played a guy who grew up dramatically overnight. For his masterful performance, he received several prestigious film awards, including the Golden Globe. Although he was nominated for an Oscar, he never received this statuette.

Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump
Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump

Then there were less successful projects. Among them it is worth highlighting the paintings "Turner and Hooch", "Bonfire of Vanities", "Terminal". All these films were negatively received not only by critics, but also by film lovers. But no one had any complaints about Tom Hanks' play.

A new wave of audience love came in 1993. The movie "Sleepless in Seattle" was released. Tom Hanks got the lead role. Then there was a successful project called Philadelphia. After playing a gay man dying of AIDS, Tom was nominated for a prestigious award. As a result, the coveted statuette went to him.

However, the real success came to the actor after the release of the film "Forrest Gump". Tom got the role of a mentally retarded guy. The famous actor entered the character so well that after a while he again received a prestigious statuette. In addition, he became a national hero.

Thanks to the success of all the films described above, Tom was able to independently choose the projects in which he would act. Therefore, there is nothing strange that for several years only successful films with his participation were released. He starred in films such as The Green Mile, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan. The last work is one of the most notable in the actor's filmography. His masterful play was highly appreciated by film critics and filmmakers.

Talented actor Tom Hanks
Talented actor Tom Hanks

An equally memorable work was the Outcast project, which film lovers could see in 2000. The picture was so successful that the artist's fans began to demand the release of the second part. But the directors abandoned this idea. Among the successful works, one should also highlight such films as The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Larry Crown, Catch Me If You Can, Cloud Atlas, Terribly Loud and Extremely Close, Inferno "," Sphere "," Miracle on the Hudson ".

Success outside of cinematography

How does an actor live outside the set? Tom Hanks does not like to talk about his personal life. And he tries not to give reasons for rumors. Tom is a wonderful and caring husband and father.

The first wife was Samantha Lewis. The actor met the girl during his studies. The wedding took place in 1978. Tom's acquaintances were very surprised that a still unknown guy managed to win the heart of a girl who put the financial situation of her chosen ones in the first place. However, the guy managed to get her attention. Some time after the wedding, a son was born, who was named Colin, and then a daughter, Elizabeth Ann.

But the spouse's mercantile spirit still played a role. The marriage broke up over time due to her constant requests and scandals. In 1988 Tom gets married again. Rita Wilson became his second wife. The girl gave birth to boys. It was decided to call them Truman and Chester. By the way, Tom Hanks is not only a caring father, but also a grandfather. In 2011, his granddaughter Olivia was born. And after another 2 years, Charlotte was born.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

Tom and his wife prefer a calm and measured life. They successfully cope with all difficulties, despite the constant rumors that the marriage is on the verge of collapse.


There is no doubt that Tom Hanks is a genius actor. He achieved success thanks to his acting skills and perseverance. His filmography includes a huge variety of titles. And Tom is not going to stop there. He plans to continue to delight his fans with new roles.
