Tom Wilkinson: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Tom Wilkinson: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Tom Wilkinson: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Tom Wilkinson is a famous British actor. Winner of several Oscar and Emmy awards. Of the fifty-four possible awards, the performer received eleven in 2018.

Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life
Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life

Only at the very beginning of his creative career, Wilkinson starred in one film a year. His rate is currently four films per season.

Children's and youthful time

In Leeds, UK in 1948, on February 5, a son appeared in a family of farmers Thomas and Marjorie. The boy was named Tom, like Wilkinson Sr.

To distinguish him from his father, the child received the middle name Jeffrey. Subsequently, the actor admitted that he did not like it very much. Wilkinson Jr. even tried to get rid of the acquisition: all Yorkshire knew that the boy's namesake was a Nobel laureate, a chemist.

Exhausted from the difficulties with lack of money, the family of four-year-old Tom sold the property and emigrated to Canada. As it turned out later, the shelter was not long-term.

For the role of the new place of residence, the parents approved Cornwall in the UK. There, the former farmers took over the management of a local pub.

The director of the school where Tom studied, immediately noted that the young ward had abilities. But along with this, Molly Soudon saw his laziness.

Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life
Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life

To instill a love of drama and inspiration for the next stage, the headmistress and her friend organized literary evenings. During one of them, Tom demanded a special merit badge for himself in response to a question about his future career in the theater.

The beginning of creativity

In 2005, such an ambitious statement came true: Wilkinson was awarded the Order of the British Empire. And on the actor's desktop to this day there are pictures of both of his mentors.

Tom entered the University of Kent to study. He completed his studies with a doctorate. Attended by the young man who became the starting point for many luminaries of stage skills, including Anthony Hopkins, RADA.

Since 1976, the performer's film activities began. However, he gained popularity only after 1997.

A comedy about six men who lost their jobs, forced to engage in erotic dances with a frank ending in order to earn money, came out on the screens. After Male Striptease, Wilkinson received a BAFTA, and the film received a dozen nominations.

In the melodrama of the same year "Oscar and Lucinda" Wilkinson had a chance to appear with Kate Boanchett, with Jude Law he played in "Wilde". Tom loved Shakespeare's plays.

Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life
Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life

Even in his youth, he played in performances of both Lear and Hamlet. For the film story about Shakespeare in love, the actor again received a prestigious award.


The talented Tom succeeded in convincing the embodiment of English lords, American politicians, generals, villains or gangsters, not without the participation of textured appearance.

In an interview, the performer ironically remarked that he once heard that he had an annoying face. Apparently, the speaker meant "unforgettable".

Wilkinson flatly refused to shoot in The Lord of the Rings. He did not want to leave his family for a long time. But he agreed to the role in "Belle" immediately: he was completely satisfied with the shooting not far from home.

His film portfolio includes famous and memorable works. Among them are Batman Begins, The Shining of the Spotless Mind, The Lone Ranger, and The Grand Budapest Hotel. Produced by Oprah Winfrey and Brad Pitt, Selma, starring Tom Wilkinson, won an Oscar for Best Song.

A couple of years later, Snowden was added to the list of paintings. The actor managed to voice the characters of two popular video games.

Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life
Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life

Tom described his feelings from the red carpet and climbing it as something unforgettable. But with irony he reported that he would never recognize either Madonna or Julia Roberts and did not recognize him anymore.

Family life

The performer decided on such a serious step as marriage only at forty. He dismissed requests from relatives to settle down and start a family for a very long time. But everything was compensated in January 1988 completely. Tom met Diana Hardcastle on the First Among Equals project. She became his only love.

The first meeting grew into a deep feeling pretty quickly. The couple have two daughters. In 1989, Diana pleased her husband with the eldest Alice, and the second child, Molly, was born in 1992. The youngest was named after her father's school teacher. Neither parent expresses a desire to follow their children in their footsteps.

In 2016, the media reported on the original celebration of the couple's pearl wedding anniversary. It was reported that the actors are planning a re-marriage ceremony with the exchange of vows between the bride and groom. As a result, there were no disappointed ones.

Both husband and wife worked together in the projects "Hotel" Marigold "and" Clan Kennedy ". Both believe that mutual understanding and trust have become the secret of a happy family life that everyone is asking them about.

The biographical drama The Happy Prince premiered in winter 2018. She became a participant in the Berlin Film Festival. The tape, named after Wilde's work, tells of the end of his earthly life. Oscar on the plot fights the disease with the help of inexhaustible irony, a sense of humor. The cast also includes Tom Wilkinson.

Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life
Tom Wilkinson: biography, career, personal life

The same year the actor took part in the "Spy Game" and "Burden". Tom admitted that when choosing between characters, he was guided by intuition, and not at all by the possible size of the fee, the name of the director or other actors.
