Poinsettia, the most beautiful euphorbia or "Christmas (Bethlehem) star" is a plant that is invariably associated with the winter holidays. Poinsettia blooms in December in scarlet, pink or white large flowers, they resemble stars in shape. It is customary to give the plant to friends and acquaintances at Christmas. In addition, poinsettia has amazing magical properties.

The poinsettia flower or "Star of Bethlehem" is associated with gods such as Loki and Helios. The plant is also patronized by various spirits and creatures of fire and light.
Poinsettia symbolizes light, the triumph of light over darkness (good over evil), warmth, fire, rebirth or resurrection, new life.
The main element of a flower is fire. Poinsettia is closely related to solar energy and the Sun itself. This plant radiates warmth and willingly shares natural forces with humans.
The "Star of Bethlehem" is used in love, fire and protective magic. Sometimes it is used for healing. However, as a medicinal plant, poinsettia is unpopular. This is because the most beautiful euphorbia is one of the poisonous plants. It cannot be eaten. Flower sap can provoke burns and irritation on the skin, therefore it is not recommended to wash with poinsettia water or take baths with this plant.
Additionally, the "Christmas Star of Bethlehem" symbolizes fun, joy, happiness, friendship, devotion, activity. The plant charges with new energy and vitality, improves mood, relieves negativity and disease.
Poinsettia knows how, like a sponge, to absorb negative emotions, lower vibrations. The flower is used to cleanse houses and apartments. It is believed that in the house where the most beautiful euphorbia grows, a kind and warm atmosphere always reigns. The plant protects against quarrels, scandals and everyday problems.

Often they give a pot of poinsettia to lovers, newlyweds, spouses who have been married for a long time. If you keep the plant in the bedroom, the most beautiful euphorbia will protect you from nightmares, save you from bad obsessions and betrayals. In magic, the plant is used as a love amulet. The flower awakens strong feelings and passion, strengthens the union between loving hearts, protects the family.
Charms and talismans with this magical flower attract fame, prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. Poinsettia can work as a magnet for money and as a talisman against ruin and financial problems.
Dried flower petals should be kept in a small sachet bag or kept in a small box. This kind of talisman will attract interesting events, favorable changes and new important or pleasant acquaintances to the life of its owner.
With the help of the "Star of Bethlehem" it is possible to determine whether a person has had any negative magical effect. If a flower brought into the house quickly fades and withers, it means that someone has put damage or an evil eye on its owner.
When in a new place the most beautiful euphorbia blooms with bright flowers, this means that soon a "white streak" will begin in the life of its owners. The long-awaited changes will come.
Christmas flower amulets are suitable for both men and women. Poinsettia men will reward self-confidence, determination and sensuality. In women, the plant will awaken sexuality, the most beautiful euphorbia will help to raise self-esteem and make a woman more energetic.
In magical ritual practices, the Star of Bethlehem winter flower is often used as an offering to spirits or gods.