The Magical Properties Of Buttercup

The Magical Properties Of Buttercup
The Magical Properties Of Buttercup

Buttercup is a yellow poisonous flower that can be found in the Caucasus and Siberia, in Asian countries and in Europe. There are over 400 species of this plant. And, despite its toxicity, buttercup is a flower that is quite in demand in magic due to its special magical properties.

Buttercup in magic
Buttercup in magic

The yellow buttercup flower is known by different peoples under different names. He is known as a fierce color, night blindness, a poisonous tooth. The botanical name of the plant is ranunculus; it originates from the Latin word rana - frog. The flower received such a "frog name" for a reason. The fact is that buttercup loves moist soils, often grows near water bodies, forest lakes and swamps. And in all such places, as you know, frogs are often found.

Toxicity is one of the main properties of this plant. Buttercup is really very dangerous, its poison can poison a person to death. There is a belief that in the distant past, potions containing buttercups were used to lubricate spears and other weapons by warriors so that the wounds inflicted were fatal. Another legend says that the flowers and leaves of the plant were used by evil sorcerers and witches to brew a poisonous potion and use such a drink to get rid of their enemies or competitors. As a result, the toxicity made the buttercup a popular plant in black magic.

On the other hand, buttercup toxicity can, roughly speaking, be beneficial. It is believed that this flower, despite its poisonousness, has a very positive aura. In addition, the seemingly thin and fragile buttercup is capable of boasting a large supply of energy that can both protect and heal. From a magical point of view, buttercup is a plant that is able to scare away any - even the most powerful - evil forces. This flower protects from problems, misfortunes, troubles and diseases. It protects from energy vampires, from the evil eye and damage, removes curses, grief and grief from a person.

If you place several bouquets of buttercups in the house, then they will scare away any evil spirits. Moreover, magic flowers will absorb negative and "stagnant" energy into themselves, thereby clearing the space and increasing the overall vibrations in the house. In this case, both fresh flowers and dry ones will have magical properties. If there is no way to get real flowers, you can use the images of buttercups. Photos, embroidery, drawings also have certain magical powers and can protect against various crises and troubles.

Buttercup yellow is associated with money, gold, wealth and prosperity. Oddly enough, but this dangerous toxic flower can really positively affect cash flow. Amulets and personal talismans with a buttercup will attract finances, help pay off all debts and protect you from sudden and unpleasant spending. In order for money to always be found, you should carry several dried flowers (or petals) of a buttercup in your wallet. And if you plant buttercups on a suburban area or on a loggia, then the flowers will work simultaneously both as money magnets and as living natural amulets.

A person who has chosen a talisman with a buttercup will very soon feel how his energy and strength have increased. Buttercup will relieve bad mood, help to cope with apathy and lethargy. This plant is an excellent stress reliever. But traditional healers and healers use buttercup, despite its toxicity, as a remedy against various skin diseases. In addition, it is believed that, when used correctly, buttercup flower can help prolong youth, strengthen the immune system, and generally improve overall well-being.