Who Is Darth Vader In Star Wars?

Who Is Darth Vader In Star Wars?
Who Is Darth Vader In Star Wars?

Good and evil … Light and darkness … Justice and meanness … The eternal balance of forces reigning in the Universe. What role will Darth Vader play in this game? Which side will he be on?

Who is Darth Vader in
Who is Darth Vader in

Powerful and mysterious, controversial and controversial character Darth Vader is a key figure in Star Wars. His story is not simple, but exciting begins almost from the very first fragments of the film epic.

Childhood and adolescence of Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker, as Vader was called as a child, first appears in the first episode of the prequel to the original saga as a nine-year-old boy.


Anakin is the son of a poor slave girl, Shmi Skywalker, who can barely make ends meet. The boy never knew his father. From early childhood, Anakin was distinguished by outstanding abilities. He was well versed in technology and mechanics, he was an excellent pilot.

People around him often attributed the title of a prodigy to him, emphasizing his exceptionalism. The wisest said that the boy has a special role in this world. According to the ancient prophecy, Anakin was to "pull the blanket" to the bright side of the force and rid the Galaxy of the Sith.

The Jedi took the boy under their protection.

His mentor was the wise Obi-Wan Kenobi, who raised a capable, brave and courageous student.


But evil did not give up … The Sith Lord, who had long dreamed of getting Anakin to be his assistant, slowly but surely walked towards his intended goal. Inspiring Skywalker thoughts of the impending omnipotence, the leader of the Sith planted the first shoots of pride and pride in the soul of a fearless, but still young Jedi.

Going to the dark side of the Force

The first step to the dark side happened long before Anakin officially became a Sith. For the first time, he allowed anger to take over his mind when he made the decision to avenge his mother's death. Not sparing neither women nor children, he destroyed the tribe of nomads who killed Shmi Skywalker. This was the beginning of the end … The next step is the assassination of the Jedi who betrayed the Council. By drowning out the voice of conscience and violating the code of honor, Anakin took the traitor's life, although it was in his power not to do so.

And the last straw was the final transition to the side of evil, promising him a previously unknown power. Yielding to temptation, Skywalker entered the battle with his former companions, but was defeated and practically burned to death. Ironically, Anaken was struck down by his former mentor Obi-Wan. He was saved. But it was no longer the brave and kind-hearted Anakin, but the real lord of darkness - Darth Vader.


The sidhi did not deceive. He really gained power. At the cost of the lives of thousands of Jedi.

After switching to the dark side, Darth Vader did a lot of evil, bringing death and destruction to the galaxy. But you can't just cross out and forget his Jedi merits. Like any mortal, his scales are filled almost equally. And to some extent, he really restored balance to the world, playing for both sides of the Force.

The last footage with Darth Vader became a kind of atonement for the ex-fighter for justice. In the final scene, he met with his son Luke, who tried to reach out to his heart and remind him of who had been hiding all these years under the iron mask of a villain. And Luke did it. Darth Vader defended his son, killed the Sith Emperor and died himself.


And then the ghost of a smiling Anakin appeared, standing along with his teachers - the wisest Obi Wan and Master Yoda.

After death, he found forgiveness and long-awaited peace.


Darth Vader has become a kind of link between the two sides of the power in Star Wars. Through his life, he showed how transparent and thin the line between good and evil is, how easy it is to stumble on this road, to turn in the wrong direction …

But in the end we all return home, to our souls.
