How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Leo

How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Leo
How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Leo

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Each planet and its corresponding zodiac sign affects a specific human organ. Each person has a predisposition to certain diseases. And this means that knowing the horoscope, you can prevent a number of diseases.

How to choose a stone for a person born under the sign of Leo
How to choose a stone for a person born under the sign of Leo

There is even a special science - astromineralogy, the science of the interaction of the signs of the zodiac and natural minerals, which can be safely called assistants in all spheres of life.

Amber for Leo

Representatives of this personality sign are bright and dramatic, it is very important for them to be noticed, so they always feel a great need for praise. Leos strive for, they have qualities such as pride and individualism. In addition, they have a very developed ego of their own. People born under this sign always make decisions with ease, or rather, there is no direct process of thinking about the situation, they just express their point of view, which is not subject to discussion.

Amber is a stone for a lion
Amber is a stone for a lion

The planet that patronizes this sign is the Sun, and all mascot stones are solar, having a golden color. One of the most powerful amulets for Leo is. It enhances character traits such as generosity, generosity, and cheerfulness. In addition, this talisman protects against the manifestations of anger and envy, which very often surround Lions. Amber strengthens optimism and self-confidence, which is important for ambitious Lions. In addition, amber is a stone that cleans both the spiritual and the physical components of a person.

Legend for romantics

There is a very beautiful legend about the origin of this stone. On the shores of the Baltic Sea, there lived a fisherman who caught fish in the sea, thereby constantly disturbing the peace of the goddess Jurate. She sent messengers to the fisherman with a request to stop disturbing the peace of the kingdom by catching fish, but the young man did not obey, but continued to fish, singing songs. The goddess decided to look at the rebellious boy herself and went ashore. At the very moment when the fisherman and Jurate met, they fell in love, and the Goddess invited him to live in her amber castle. When the god Perkunos found out about this forbidden love, he became very angry and killed the young man with lightning and destroyed the castle, and chained Jurate to the ruins.

the legend of Jurat
the legend of Jurat

And, in those moments when Jurate mourns his beloved, the sea begins to agitate, and the waves, according to the legend, throw the fragments of the amber castle and the tears of the goddess of golden-orange color onto the shore.
