How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Sagittarius

How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Sagittarius
How To Choose A Stone For A Person Born Under The Sign Of Sagittarius

Each mineral has beneficial properties. Some protect, others help in business, and still others activate energy flows. If you want to find one that will help you, then astrology can come to the rescue, because each sign of the zodiac has its own stone.

Under the sign of Sagittarius
Under the sign of Sagittarius

It is believed that a mineral that brings good luck to one can play a cruel joke on another. Therefore, the choice of a talisman stone should be approached with caution, paying special attention to those minerals that are suitable for you according to the horoscope. For example, a stone like turquoise will suit Sagittarius.

Sagittarius as a sign of the zodiac

Sagittarius are people constantly striving to expand their horizons, and they do it in any way available to them: they read, attend trainings and seminars, travel. Due to the constant striving for new knowledge, Sagittarius are interesting interlocutors, a lot of information they possess, they strive to convey to the listener and do it in an interesting enough way and in an accessible language.

However, negative qualities of character follow from this trait - authoritarianism, the desire to constantly teach others, and sometimes even boring

As for the relationship with the opposite sex, it should be noted that Sagittarius are not particularly loyal.

Flirting. Sagittarius do not differ in loyalty
Flirting. Sagittarius do not differ in loyalty

They love to flirt, so if you choose a Sagittarius as your life partner, be prepared for the fact that you will have to deal with periodic cheating on his part.

Sagittarius are very temperamental in relationships, which means that you will never get bored with them

They are able to arrange unforgettable meetings and dates full of romance and surprises. Sagittarius love a beautiful life - holidays abroad in pretentious hotels, receptions and dinners in expensive restaurants, expensive outfits and accessories.

Turquoise as a talisman

It is better to choose turquoise as your talisman for Sagittarius. It is this stone that will help the stubborn and purposeful representatives of this zodiac sign to achieve their goals, while overcoming excessive carelessness, strengthening the spirit and enhancing natural energy.

Turquoise is perfect for archers
Turquoise is perfect for archers

Turquoise is also good as an indicator for health. Just watch the color of the stone. If it changed its color and took on a green tint or even simply faded, this is a signal that not everything is safe in the body and you should take care of your health. However, do not forget that external factors, such as household chemicals, can have the same effect on him.

In addition, this mineral strengthens vision, thyroid and vocal cords. Turquoise has many legends in its long history. According to one of them, turquoise was considered nothing more than the bones of people who died because of love, which is the reason that today this stone is a symbol of lovers.

Turquoise - a symbol of lovers
Turquoise - a symbol of lovers

Although, this myth has a very realistic explanation. At a time when turquoise gained particular popularity as a talisman, cunning merchants who wanted to cash in on fossil bones that had acquired a blue hue due to prolonged exposure to groundwater containing large amounts of copper and iron.
