How To Draw A Jedi

How To Draw A Jedi
How To Draw A Jedi

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George Lucas invented many types of Jedi. These are people from different planets, representatives of different races, which, accordingly, have the most diverse appearance. Jedi are also classified according to the degree of training: into younglings undergoing training, Padawans who are already trained in practice by a particular Jedi, knights that Padawans can become after trials, and masters - the most outstanding of the Jedi. These subgroups also have their own differences.

How to draw a Jedi
How to draw a Jedi


Step 1

The range of possible images for creating a general portrait of a Jedi is very wide, and it is necessary to focus on one, the most famous and recognizable Jedi, who, moreover, is the master of this order. Therefore, the following is the order of drawing Yoda.

Step 2

Draw an oval and a curve passing through it: these will be the head and ears of the master in the future. Next, divide the head into 2 equal halves with a line from top to bottom.

Step 3

Draw five circles in advance: 2 will be located in the place of the eyes, and a line still passes through them, along which the ears will be located. One small circle will be located in the center of the face just below the line of the ears (future nose), under this there will be another circle that will become the mouth, and below the mouth - an oval for the chin.

Step 4

The main features are drawn - proceed to detailing. Draw the almond-shaped eyes, with the circles originally drawn as the iris. With smooth lines from the location of the eyebrows and from the place of the contour of the head opposite the nose, connect the points on the head with the apex of the curve of the ears - so you get the shape of the auricles. Draw on the outside the same round nostrils to the small round nose, and to the mouth - lips in the form of a very stretched and flattened letter M.

Step 5

On the outer part of the ears, several ovals located inside each other, it is necessary to separate the entrance to the middle of the ear, frowning folds of the eyebrows should be drawn above the eyes, and furrows of deep wrinkles should be drawn on the floor with the eyes and downward from the nose. Erase the upper part of the chin oval with an eraser - the image of Yoda is drawn.

Step 6

At the end of the drawing, depict wrinkles located on the forehead, clumps of hair, a wrinkled neck. The torso is simple to draw - it is hidden under the hoodie of the tunic and robe. Three-fingered hands with large, pointed nails will complete the job. It remains to correct individual touches and paint the Master green.

Step 7

When creating an image, it is better to have some kind of image of Yoda with you in order to peep forgotten details in the image of this character.
