How To Become A Jedi?

How To Become A Jedi?
How To Become A Jedi?

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In the early 1970s, American director George Lucas presented his epic fantasy saga Star Wars to the world. It includes 6 movies, the storyline of which has had a huge impact on Western culture and spawned a whole separate universe of "Star Wars". On the ideas of the epic film, a new movement was born - Jedism. The key characters for this were the Peacekeeping Knights of the Jedi Order.

How to become a Jedi?
How to become a Jedi?

Jedi ideology

A Jedi is a Knight of Light. His goal is to develop his own energy field in order to channel his spiritual power with the help of supernatural abilities.

The main difference between a Jedi and an ordinary person (layman) is the constant adherence to the path of spiritual, as well as physical development. In this case, battles with lightsabers and martial arts fade into the background.

The Jedi Code teaches a warrior to live in harmony with himself and the world around him. The symbol of his faith is the protection of peace in the entire galaxy, therefore a true knight-peacemaker must respect life in all its manifestations and strive for self-improvement. The most important thing for a Jedi is not to go to the dark side and join the ranks of the Sith, whose cruelty is motivated by selfishness and lust for power.

Jedi Path

Each warrior can go their own way and receive the well-deserved rank of the Jedi Order.

Jedi prefer peace to volatile emotions. By secret knowledge they are saved from ignorance. Instead of destruction and chaos, they create harmony. Jedi strive for self-improvement, not sparing their lives in serving others.

Yuling. This rank is usually obtained by children who are just beginning to learn how to control their strength and handle a lightsaber.

Padawan is an apprentice who becomes an apprentice of a personal mentor, a more experienced warrior of the rank of Knight or Master.

The Knight is a disciplined Padawan who became a full member of the Jedi Order. To do this, he had to successfully pass 5 tests (skill, courage, flesh, spirit and knowledge) and make a lightsaber for himself.

Master. This rank can be achieved by training a Padawan who was able to become a Knight.

Master (Grandmaster). The honorable place of the head of the Council of the Jedi Order is occupied by the most skillful old man. He is elected by the entire Council.

Jedi Code

A true knight of light must know by heart the five truths of the Jedi Code, which state that there is no excitement, no ignorance, no passion, no chaos, no death, but only peace, knowledge, tranquility, harmony and Power.

Now you can not only draw the image of a knight-peacemaker in your head, but also easily translate it into reality. For this, it is important to think like a highly moral hero. And also to temper your spirit and direct inner strength into the flow of energy. And finally - a parting phrase, with which the Jedi wished each other good luck: "May the Force be with you!"
