Fairy tales about animals behaving like humans are a favorite theme for children of all ages. Until now, any adult remembers a rustic bear who helped plant turnips to a village peasant, and Lisa Patrikeevna, who stole geese. If your little one wants a new story every night, it’s easier and cheaper to start coming up with animal stories than buying new books on a regular basis.

Step 1
Each story should consist of a plot, a conflict, a climax, and finally a denouement. In the absence of one of these elements, you will not get an interesting fairy tale. Although, perhaps, you will achieve your goal, and the child will fall asleep.
Step 2
Choose the animals that your child likes the most and make them the main characters. If the kid loves dogs, let Sharik go in search of adventure. And if your child is fond of dinosaurs, have a Tyrannosaurus Rex host.
Step 3
It is better to come up with the main plot twists in advance and, if necessary, write them down. Then you will not have long pauses, during which the child will fiddle with you with the question: "Well, what next?"
Step 4
The easiest way to come up with a fairy tale is by sending the main character on a journey. In this case, you will not have any problems with the introduction of new characters into the narrative, because on the way the main character can meet any kind of animals. The main thing, carried away by the description of Africa, do not forget that the conflict and the denouement in the fairy tale must still be present.
Step 5
When writing a fantastic story, remember that animals must follow basic safety rules. After all, the kid can try to fly on an umbrella, and do deep-sea swimming, using a reed instead of a breathing tube. Therefore, all the heroes of your fairy tale must cross the road to the green light, do not play with knives and follow the rules of the road while riding a bicycle.
Step 6
The child will be bored listening to detailed descriptions of nature, but the text should not be dry. Instead of “there was an oak tree by the road”, it’s better to say “a huge spreading oak tree grew by the road,” but it’s not worth describing how its foliage rustled.
Step 7
Remember that your fairy tale must have a happy ending. Also, in order not to come up with new characters every evening, you can end the tale so that the next day you can tell the continuation.