Fairy tales are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Writing is a good way to diversify your leisure time and have fun, develop creativity, even relieve stress. It is interesting to come up with fairy tales on your own, but if it is difficult to create a story from beginning to end, then you can play the game "finish the fairy tale", that is, come up with an ending for it.

Step 1
You can come up with a plot yourself. Compose a fairy tale easily, on the go. It is important not to stop yourself, not to restrain yourself, to let your fantasy develop. Creativity does not require a lot of time or special space. You can do it everywhere: in transport, doing household chores, reducing the waiting time. Create a theme and plot about anything: about what you see around you, about vegetables and fruits, trees, animals, natural phenomena. Any object can come to life and begin to exist, get up, travel.
Step 2
Compose a fairy tale with your friends. Collective creativity is an interesting activity at friendly or family gatherings. For the game, use the blanks invented in advance or on the go. This can be an element of a well-known fairy tale, for example: “Masha once went into the forest for berries …” Or an unknown plot about an object from the table: “One wonderful evening, during a gathering, a fork fell to the floor and decided to travel …” Participants speak one sentence at a time or write it down on a circular piece of paper. Reading such a fairy tale in its entirety is very fun later.
Step 3
Play a game with your child using a series of prepared pictures. In advance, find in books, primers, manuals as many images of the heroes as possible: Malvina, Karabas-Barabas, Turtle Tortilla, Cat Matroskin and others. Offer your child a storyline and ask leading questions: "How is the character dressed?", "Where is he?", "What time of year?" This task helps the child learn logic, use vocabulary, express his thoughts, develop creativity.
Step 4
Before proceeding with the completion of the tale, agree with the participants about the rules. For example, that the plot should have logic, a happy ending, and the sentences are related in meaning.
Step 5
When you practice your writing and it is easy to create fairy tales, make it harder for yourself or the participants. Come up with specific, specific themes within which the story should unfold. Take "adult" problems, qualities, phenomena, feelings. Try ending the story with a non-standard title or opening. For example, you can write about the Universe, sex, motherhood, synchrophasotron, laziness, an oar swaying in the wind. And prepare an unusual beginning: "The red-foggy cloud moved to the north of the Galaxy and …" In the future, the story can be staged, played in roles, having arranged a small home performance. Finishing a fairy tale with friends or on your own, you can learn a lot about yourself or the people around you. Writing is a method used by psychologists that has found a place in fairy tale therapy. With the skills of decoding plots, you can learn a lot from a pleasant process.