Children love theater, but not every child can sit through even the shortest performance from bell to bell. Fortunately, the theater can be organized at home, and then invite the child to make the show himself. Children can also be involved in making puppet dolls. Of course, a homemade doll will not be ideal in terms of manufacturing techniques, but it will be much nicer and more expensive than any store toy.

It is necessary
A small ball of dense material, a piece of cloth, thick wire, woolen threads or straw, buttons, beads, cardboard, pencil, glue, threads and needles, a small bottle, awl, tape, fishing line, cardboard, wooden planks, scissors
Step 1
So, having prepared everything you need, you can start making the doll. You need to start from the head. Take a small ball of hard material, such as a tennis ball, and wrap it in a thick cloth, tying the ends together with thread. Next, take the wire and pierce the head with it at ear level, and bend the ends into loops.
Step 2
Next, you should decorate the head. Eyes, nose and mouth can be drawn, made from cardboard, buttons or beads and glued or sewn to the head. Hair can be made from straw or thick woolen threads. Part your hair so that it covers the ear wires. The head is ready.
Step 3
The doll's body can be made from a small plastic bottle. A bottle of shampoo or mineral water will work. With an awl, make four punctures in the places where the arms and legs are attached and insert pieces of wire 15-20 centimeters long into the punctures. Pierce the bottle again at the back at the level of your feet and also insert the wire into it. The wire can be secured to the bottle with tape or tape. Make loops at the ends of the wire as well as on the head.
Step 4
Next, we make the arms and legs. Wrap small pieces of fishing line (15-20 centimeters) with cardboard or thick paper and roll into a narrow roll. You can make legs and arms from two connected rolls, then the limbs can bend at the knees and elbows. Secure one end of the roll with tape, attach the other to the body by wire loops. Brushes and feet can be made of colored cardboard.
Step 5
Then you need to sew cloth clothes for the doll. Clothing should be loose so as not to hinder the movement of the puppet. You can wear a hat on your head or decorate your head with a wreath of flowers and leaves.
Step 6
Our doll is ready. Next, you need to make the fasteners that control her movements. Take three wooden planks, one 25 centimeters long, one 15 centimeters long, and the third 13 centimeters long. In the first, drill a hole at one end, in the second, drill one hole at opposite ends, and in the third, drill two holes at opposite ends. Now connect the planks so that the second and third planks are perpendicular to the first.
Step 7
Connect the fasteners and tabs on the puppet with fishing line. The fishing line should be of different lengths: for the arms - 50 centimeters, for the head - 40 centimeters, for the legs - 90 centimeters, for the back - 70 centimeters. If your child wants to control the doll himself, the length of the lines can be reduced proportionally.
Step 8
Your puppet is now ready for its first presentation. After making a couple more characters, you can act out your favorite fairy tales and cartoons. Your child will love it!