How To Come Up With A Riddle

How To Come Up With A Riddle
How To Come Up With A Riddle

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Riddles are traditional folk art, inseparable from fairy tales. Together with them, riddles in an accessible form help the child to learn about the world and get acquainted with unknown concepts and objects. Riddles develop figurative-associative thinking and teach children to fantasize. A two-year-old baby is thinking about a certain inedible pear, and a future first grader can easily guess what it is that springs up without seeds. It's no less exciting to come up with riddles yourself.

How to come up with a riddle
How to come up with a riddle


Step 1

First you need to choose the subject or concept that will be discussed in the riddle. It can be an animal, a household item, or a natural phenomenon.

Step 2

Next, think with your child how the hidden object or animal differs from others. Special questions will help. What is he? What does it look like? What is it for or where is it used? What are the distinguishing features of this animal? Why is this subject surprising?

Step 3

The key signs and features of the enigmatic object named by the child should be laid down in the riddle, but do not mention the concept or object itself in the riddle. Rhymed riddles are best remembered. When coming up with a rhyme, consider the age of the child. A kid under 3 years old is unlikely to remember many lines.

Step 4

Puzzles based on denial are especially popular with children. For example, "Not a dog, but won't let you into the house." If you can't come up with rhymed riddles, try the negative option, it is much easier for children of all ages.

Step 5

Consider a bicycle as an example. What is he? Only two wheels and you need to pedal yourself, otherwise the bike will fall. Here is the riddle - "I only keep on walking, and if I become, I will fall." Another option, the simplest one, is “On wheels and with a steering wheel, not a car”.

Step 6

At first, self-invented riddles can be very simple, consisting of just one sentence. However, the benefits of such creativity are enormous, because riddles teach you to think, analyze and even develop a sense of humor.

After the child gets used to riddles and learns to solve them, tell him about riddles with your wit, teach him how to come up with such puzzles.
