How To Draw A Magic Circle

How To Draw A Magic Circle
How To Draw A Magic Circle

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The protective magic circle has been used during magical practices for a very long time. It serves so that the evil spirits called during the ritual could not get to the magician. The magic circle can be of any size, the main thing is that it is convenient to work in it.

How to draw a magic circle
How to draw a magic circle

It is necessary

  • - candles
  • - two decks of cards
  • - pebbles
  • - quartz
  • - moon rock
  • - rock crystal.


Step 1

A magic circle can be created from candles. To make this defense, take 13 white candles, a green candle, yellow, blue, purple, and red. In addition, you will need the so-called God candle and the Goddess candle - usually red and green, respectively.

Step 2

Arrange 13 white candles in a circle. Colored candles should be placed in accordance with the cardinal points. Put the green one in the north side, turn the yellow one to the east, let the red look to the south, and the blue to the west. Place candles of God and Goddess in the center of the circle.

Step 3

Light a purple candle and use it to light white candles in a circle, starting from the north. At the end, light the candles of God and Goddess, place the purple candle to your right.

Step 4

Take a new deck of cards that you have not yet played, and spread the cards in a circle. In this case, aces must be placed vertically, and the rest of the cards - horizontally. The cards must be in this order: ace, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king. It is necessary to start laying out cards in a circle from the north. After the circle is complete, take the king and queen of hearts from another deck and place them in the center of the circle. These cards will symbolize God and Goddess.

Step 5

If you have ever been fond of mineralogy or loved to wear jewelry made of semi-precious stones, the following method will suit you. Take 13 Simple Pebble Stones, Moonstone, Amber Piece, Flat Quartz, and 4 Rock Crystal Stones.

Step 6

Make a circle of pebble stones in a clockwise direction. Place four pieces of rock crystal in the four cardinal directions. In the center of the circle, place a flat piece of quartz as a symbol of the altar, amber and moonstone as symbols of God and Goddess. In this case, the amber should lie on the right, and the moonstone on the left.

Step 7

After you have performed the ritual and you no longer need the magic circle, start removing cards or stones, extinguishing candles, starting from the north side. In this case, it is necessary to thank the elements for their protection.
