People who can draw and are able to transfer realistic images to paper have long admired those who are just about to master graphics and painting. In fact, everyone can master the drawing technique with enough effort and systematically improving their skills. Some of these skills are necessary in any graphic drawing, no matter what plot you portray - for example, a good graphic, learning to draw, gets his hand at drawing even and accurate geometric shapes. Most often, people have difficulty when they need to draw an even circle by hand, without using a compass and a ready-made template. In fact, there is a method that allows you to draw a neat circle without a compass.

Step 1
Take an A3 sheet and a medium-soft pencil. Put six to eight points on a piece of paper in random order - these points will become the centers of future circles. Draw a straight vertical line through any of the points, and then cross it with a horizontal line.
Step 2
The point should be in the center of all lines. After that, draw two diagonal lines through the point, thus dividing the space around the point into eight sectors.
Step 3
At a short distance from the point on one of the lines, put a short pencil stroke. Measure the length from point to stroke with a ruler, and then on the remaining lines set aside exactly the same distances, marking them with strokes.
Step 4
Connect the strokes together with smooth curved lines, forming an even and neat circle.
Step 5
After drawing a circle around the first point, try drawing circles of different sizes around all the other points to practice creating construction lines and strokes of different sizes and lengths.
Step 6
As a result, several circles of different sizes should appear on your sheet. Stroke each circle, making it brighter and thicker.