Painting windows with snowflakes before the New Year is a fairly popular activity for many families with children. However, to make drawing enjoyable, and after the holidays, washing windows did not turn into hard labor, you need to choose the right tools and the "paint" itself.

It is necessary
- - chalk marker for white glass;
- - artificial snow in a spray can;
- - Toothpaste;
- - white gouache;
- - notebook sheets;
- - scissors;
- - sponge for washing dishes;
- - brush;
- - alcohol-based window cleaner.
Step 1
Snowflakes on the window can be painted using regular white gouache. If you decide to use gouache for creativity, then before drawing, be sure to wash the window using an alcohol-containing agent (the glass must be degreased). It is best to start drawing immediately after the glass has dried.
If there was no special means for cleaning windows in the house, but you do not want to postpone drawing until later, then in this case there is a way out: take a piece of ordinary soap (remnant), use it to draw the outlines of a snowflake on the glass, then with white gouache these outlines circle.
Step 2
Chalk markers for drawing on glass are currently available in stores. These pencils are very convenient to draw on the windows, and the drawings are clear. These markers are available at many office supply stores.
Step 3
Quite nice snowflakes on the glass can also be painted with artificial snow (in a spray can). To do this, cut snowflakes from ordinary notebook sheets (their number depends on your desire), slightly wet them with plain water and glue them to the windows. While the snowflakes are wet, gently apply the artificial snow to the snowflakes so that the snow hits the glass. After the work done, remove the paper snowflakes.
Step 4
If you do not have any gouache, no markers, or artificial snow available, then use ordinary toothpaste for drawing. First of all, cut the snowflakes out of the paper and glue them to the windows with water. Take a teaspoon of toothpaste and a couple of teaspoons of water, mix everything, then use a dishwashing sponge to pick up a little of the resulting gruel and gently apply the sponge to the snowflakes, trying to evenly distribute the paste. After the work done, peel off the paper blanks.