Oak is always associated with strength, health, longevity. This tree was very revered by the ancient Slavs, as well as the Celts and Scandinavians. A unique magical energy is concentrated in the oak, which the plant willingly shares with everyone who turns to him for help and support.

The majestic oak tree is under the auspices of a planet like Jupiter. In addition, it is closely related to the element of fire. Astrologers believe that this plant is capable of giving special strength and energy to Sagittarius. Therefore, people born under this zodiac sign are advised to have oak products in the house or wear amulets in the form of oak leaves, acorns.
Oak is not a female tree. It contains the masculine principle, therefore it is especially men who help and support the plant especially willingly. Our ancestors, however, believed that in case of emergency, young girls and women can also turn to an oak tree for help. However, this was allowed to be done no more than once a year.
The plant is very positively disposed towards people, therefore, if they treat it with respect and reverence, it is always ready to share its vitality. You cannot break oak branches for fun and entertainment or damage the bark in any way. A patient and kind tree can become angry, then unpleasant events will begin to occur in a person's life. Wanting to feed on the healing oak energy, get a powerful charge of magical powers, it is enough to hug a tree for 10-15 minutes, close your eyes and try to feel that unusual warmth that comes from the plant.
Healers and healers have never doubted that the oak is capable of curing various diseases. In addition, it can help to ensure that a person has a surge of energy. The ancient Slavs believed that sick and infirm people needed to walk more often in oak groves, where the air and the whole atmosphere were healing. For children who were often ill, they made special oak amulets, put a necklace of acorns around their necks, or bathed them in decoctions of the bark and leaves of the plant. Thus, there was a chance to improve the health of the child.
This tree has protective magical properties. If it grows near the house, then it dares various troubles and problems, does not allow evil people and all kinds of evil spirits to enter the apartment. Bouquets of oak branches placed in the premises protect from negativity, quarrels and magical influences from the outside. They also cleanse "stagnant" energy.

The ancient Celts believed that the oak is a plant that is associated with the subtle world and the world of the dead. He was approached during certain magical rituals and during spiritualistic seances. There is an assumption that with the help of oak you can establish a close connection with your family, up to the fifth generation. Such a connection will give a person protection, support and patronage of their ancestors.
In the Scandinavian countries, it was believed that the god of thunder Thor patronized the oak tree. And the ancient Slavs assumed that the god Perun was associated with this plant. Therefore, by making magical artifacts or amulets / talismans from oak, one could receive divine protection.
Oak gives wisdom, strengthens the spirit, makes a person stronger both morally and physically. It supports during stressful and critical situations, protects in moments when a person is away from home. Oak products bring happiness, joy and prosperity to life.
Our ancestors believed that this powerful plant knows about events that will come in the near future. To find out what fate had in store, it was enough to stand under a tree. If an acorn fell from a branch, then this promised interesting events and changes. A double acorn that has fallen to the ground is a valuable gift from an oak tree. It was necessary to make a personal amulet from it. When a dry leaf flew from the tree, this meant that some unpleasant events would soon happen. If the leaf was fresh and green, this was a sign that life would soon get better.