Coin spinning is a very original hobby. But to learn such, at first glance, simple action, you need to train very long and hard. Of course, you also need to have very flexible fingers. And doctors say that spinning a coin between your fingers is also very useful. After all, this is an excellent prevention of arthritis.

Step 1
To learn how to twist a coin between your fingers, place it on the edge between your index and middle. Place the coin between the 3 phalanxes. At the same time, do not clench your hand tightly into a fist. Start moving your index and middle fingers in relation to each other. As a result of such movements, the coin flips and moves between the fingers in the space between the middle and ring. Then make all movements back.
Step 2
An important point when teaching the spin of a coin is the selection of its size. It directly depends on the size of the hand and the thickness of your fingers. In addition, it must be necessarily heavy. This will help you learn to move it faster.
Step 3
You can spin a coin not only among your fingers, but also on a plane. This is easy enough to learn. In order to spin a 5 or 50 kopeck coin, place it on the edge with the index finger of your left hand and hold it. Then, with the index or middle fingers of your right hand, click on the edge of the coin (i.e. make a click on it). From such a blow, the coin begins to spin quickly along the plane. A separate entertainment is to count the number of revolutions around its axis that the coin will make during this time. If you twist a coin in the company, then you can count who will make the most turns.
Step 4
You can also learn to spin a coin in the air. To do this, you need to collect your hand into a fist, placing your thumb on top. Then place a coin flat on the nail of that finger. Then grab your index finger with your thumb and pull it out sharply. By inertia, the coin should fly upward while rotating. In this case, you can also count how many revolutions it will make around its axis.