How To Draw A Goat

How To Draw A Goat
How To Draw A Goat

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“There was a goat in the world - not a boa constrictor, not a donkey - a real goat with a gray beard …” Here it is - a goat image, described in a nutshell. Using the proposed step-by-step instructions, you can easily portray a completely worthy representative of the goat family, adding a couple more distinctive features during the work.

How to draw a goat
How to draw a goat

It is necessary

  • - a simple pencil,
  • - eraser,
  • - colour pencils,
  • - markers,
  • - album sheet.


Step 1

Draw two eggs - one large, horizontal and the other smaller and vertical. The smaller egg should be located just above the larger one, above its sharp part, downward with its sharp end. These are the details of the torso and head. Connect them with two lines - the neck.

Step 2

Draw two legs - front and back - perpendicular to the horizon line. Then draw the hind legs at a slight angle to create a goat in motion. Your legs will look like two letters "L".

Step 3

On the crown of the head, draw the first of the main defining signs of a goat - the horns. They should be slightly curved and pointed; not too long, like an antelope, but not too short if you want to draw a goat, not a kid.

Step 4

Add ears. They should be like petals in shape. Place them on the sides of your head under the horns parallel to the ground. Draw another smaller petal inside the petals. Divide the head visually in the middle and across, at the beginning and at the end of this invisible line put bold dots - eyes.

Step 5

In the sharp part of the muzzle, mark the mouth and nose. To do this, draw two small concave arcs above each other and connect them in the middle with a straight line. Add the second must-have feature - a sharp beard, which gives the goat seriousness and at the same time eccentricity.

Step 6

Add a tail - the goat's tail is not long, but slightly long and covered with hair. Make the horns textured - for this, draw transverse stripes over the entire surface. Highlight the hooves. Draw fur under the belly.

Step 7

That's all - the goat is ready. Only now it is important to carefully erase the extra lines, and, on the contrary, circle the main contour more fatly.

Step 8

Color in the drawing. The goat is usually either white or black. Both are good in nature, but in the picture it can be boring. And the black color is also gloomy. Try something in between - a light gray goat with a black, dark gray or brown tint on the tips of the fur. Highlight the hoof area in black. Color the horns with the same gray pencil, highlighting the stripes with a darker shade. Use a black felt-tip pen to accentuate the eyes, mouth and nose. Paint over the inside of the ears.

Step 9

Take another close look at your drawing. Add shading with a darker color than the base color, indicating the coat. Correct the contours by making them more defined. Add a background - grass, trees, bushes and so on - to get the finished picture.
