Summer is the favorite time of the year for many adults and children. Therefore, it is not surprising that long before the long-awaited months, people begin to wonder about the weather forecast for the coming June, July and August. Naturally, it is impossible to accurately determine what the air temperature will be on specific days, to learn about precipitation, their amount, however, general indicators based on previous observations can be identified.

At present, it is impossible to reliably know what the weather will be in the summer of 2016, since forecasters give forecasts up to two months in advance, and even within these 60 days, the information is often incorrect. Therefore, you will not be able to find out specific figures for air temperature, precipitation and other things at this point in time, but you can still find out approximate data based on a comparison of previous indicators collected over the past few years.
So, comparing the indicators of the last few years for June, we can conclude that the first month of summer in 2016 will be very changeable. In the first decade of June, the air temperature will not please with high rates, so you should not expect it to be more than 15-17 degrees. The second decade of June promises to be warmer, but rainy. By the end of the month, the thermometer will show a mark above 22 degrees.
What to expect from July 2016? This month promises to be hot and dry, in most regions of Russia the thermometer will rise to 27-29 degrees in the middle of the month, and to 35 in the south. In the second decade of July, the heat may overtake the Central part of Russia, and drought is not excluded. Lately, the absence of rain at the end of July is so frequent that it has become the norm.
The last summer month is usually changeable in terms of temperature fluctuations and sedimentary phenomena, however, in most cases, the beginning of August pleases with warm days in the range of 22-25 degrees and sunny days, starting from the middle of the month rainy days exceed sunny days, the air temperature on average decreases by a couple of degrees … This is exactly what, according to forecasters, August 2016 will be.
Since the weather is a "lady" changeable, then all the information described above cannot be regarded as 100 percent reliable, the temperature with an accuracy of a degree, as well as the time and amount of precipitation, we can find out closer to the set dates.
You can find out what the weather will be like in the summer of 2016 by folk signs. For example, January is considered to be the opposite of July. The colder it is in the middle of winter, the hotter it is in the middle of summer. After observing the weather on January 1, you can roughly tell what the summer will be like. If it snows all day, the summer will be rainy, if there is a bitter frost, then most of the summer it will be hot and vice versa. It is also believed that late spring is a sign of a sultry and dry summer, the presence of fogs in February is hot and rainy.