The outgoing 2014 was not easy for Russians. The Sochi Olympics, the return of Crimea, sympathy for the Ukrainian people, and the instability of currencies - all this kept the country's residents in suspense. But ahead is a new year, 2015, with which hopes for the best are connected, goals have been set, and so I want to know what the Year of the Goat will bring to the Russian state and its inhabitants. Among the predictions of astrologers and clairvoyants, different opinions were voiced about what awaits Russians, but most of them are confident that one of the strongest states will continue to strengthen in the political and economic world arena.

Wanga's predictions
The predictions of the Bulgarian seer Vanga, which were repeatedly confirmed, caused a stir in connection with the prospects for 2015. According to the blind fortuneteller, next year Russia will face the Third World War, in which our state will undertake a peacekeeping mission, will be able to restrain the aggression of the opposing powers and will not allow the use of nuclear technologies in resolving world disputes. In addition, Wanga argued that this year will have another outbreak of serious infections, vaccines for the treatment of which mankind has not yet received.
Speaking about Russia, the clairvoyant predicted that four other countries would unite under the flags of the state, which, due to their influence, would be able to decide the fate and influence the political and economic activities of other states. Among other things, Wanga spoke about the birth of a completely new religion that will engulf humanity and become the leading one on Earth.
Predictions of Nostradamus
Nostradamus, who predicted the terrorist attack in America and the destruction of twin skyscrapers with amazing accuracy, has several predictions associated with 2015. He argued that it was at this time that the birth of a freak child would have to be, who later, having matured, would become a great predictor.
For most of the world powers, according to Michel Nostradamus, the coming year will be a time of bitterness, loss, cataclysms and misfortunes. A number of Asian countries will suffer drought and famine, and a wave of deadly infections will sweep across the Earth. Restless 2015, according to the elder, awaits Europe. Here political upheavals will break out, which, however, will be stopped, and the revolutionaries will be punished. Michel Nostradamus also predicts the beginning of the Third World War in 2015, but he believes that it will be unleashed by Turkey and Iran, the armed confrontation between which Russia can end.
For the Russian state itself, the year will be full of problems. One of the most serious threats to the inhabitants of the country will be the repeated attacks of terrorists who came from the Caucasus. In addition, an attempted coup d'état is possible in the second half of the year, but it will not be successful. The tests of Russia will be added by the instability of the economy, aggravated by a large influx of emigrants, including from Asian countries, where drought and a shortage of fresh water will begin.
The predictions of Pavel Globa
The well-known authoritative Russian astrologer, in turn, comparing the location and movement of celestial bodies, to a greater extent confirmed the predictions of his predecessors. Globa believes that the entry of the planet Uranus into the constellation Aries within a year will paint everything that happens in the world of people in militant, conflict colors, and the news of clashes, conflicts, terrorist attacks and coups will become more frequent. The confrontation between Uranus and the constellation Aries will most aggressively affect Turkey and Iran, as well as the countries of the Middle East, one of which may even be wiped off the face of the earth as a result of hostilities.
Pavel Globa also predicts that for Russia 2015 is a time of hard work, struggle and confrontation. The stars confirm the high probability of terrorist attacks threatening the inhabitants of large cities, as well as the compaction of the population of Russia due to the flow of migrants from disadvantaged and belligerent countries.
In the second half of the year, the constellation Aquarius will unite the planets Saturn and Jupiter, creating a favorable environment for resolving conflicts, reconciling and strengthening the country. And it was at this time, according to the astrologer Pavel Globa, that the most ambitious changes in the last 25 years will take place in Russia - the annexation of a number of neighboring states. As for monetary issues, the astrologer advises not to keep large amounts of money in rubles or dollars, but to give preference to euros.